Latest publications
Prevalence and related risk factors of chronic kidney disease among adults in Luxembourg: evidence from the observation of cardiovascular risk factors (ORISCAV-LUX) study.
- Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
2017 Dec. BMC Nephrol.18(1):358.
Cushny and Peebles, optical isomers and the birth of modern statistics.
- Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
2017 Dec. J R Soc Med.110(12):501-502.
Depression burden in luxembourg: Individual risk factors, geographic variations and the role of migration, 2013-2015 European Health Examination Survey.
- Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
2017 Nov. J Affect Disord.222:41-48. Epub 2017 Jun 27.
Examining the feasibility and utility of estimating partial expected value of perfect information (via a nonparametric approach) as part of the reimbursement decision-making process in ireland: application to drugs for cancer.
- Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
2017 Nov. Pharmacoeconomics.35(11):1177-1185.
New HIV diagnoses among adults aged 50 years or older in 31 European countries, 2004-15: an analysis of surveillance data.
- Clinical and Epidemiological Investigation Center
2017 Nov. Lancet HIV.4(11):e514-e521. Epub 2017 Sep 26.
European Health Interview Survey (EHIS): Dépistage des cancers (Factsheet)
- Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
2017 Oct. Luxembourg: Ministère de la Santé–Direction de la Santé , Luxembourg Institute of Health, 2017. 2 p.
The pharmacokinetic interaction between ivacaftor and ritonavir in healthy volunteers.
- Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
2017 Oct. Br J Clin Pharmacol.83(10):2235-2241. Epub 2017 Jun 27.
Smoking status is inversely associated with overall diet quality: Findings from the ORISCAV-LUX study.
- Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
2017 Oct. Clin Nutr.36(5):1275-1282. Epub 2016 Aug 24.
MicroRNA 150-5p improves risk classification for mortality within 90 days after Acute Ischemic Stroke.
- Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
2017 Sep. J Stroke.19(3):323-332. Epub 2017 Sep 29.
Predicting carer health effects for use in economic evaluation.
- Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
2017 Sep. PLoS One.12(9):e0184886.
Responsible pricing in value-based assessment of cancer drugs: real-world data are an inevitable addition to select meaningful new cancer treatments.
- Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
2017 Sep. Ecancermedicalscience.11:ed71.
Contribution to the discussion of '"A critical evaluation of the current p-value controversy"'.
- Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
2017 Sep. Biom J.59(5):892-894. Epub 2017 Apr 27.
Harms of off-label erythropoiesis-stimulating agents for critically ill people.
- Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
2017 Aug. Cochrane Database Syst Rev.8:Cd010969.
Agreement between 35 published frailty scores in the general population.
- Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
2017 Aug. Am J Epidemiol.186(4):420-434.
Subtraction of subcutaneous fat to improve the prediction of visceral adiposity: exploring a new anthropometric track in overweight and obese youth.
- Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
2017 Aug. Pediatr Diabetes.18(5):399-404. Epub 2016 Jul 12.
Hair analysis for the biomonitoring of pesticide exposure: comparison with blood and urine in a rat model.
- Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
2017 Aug. Arch Toxicol.91(8):2813-2825. Epub 2016 Dec 23.
Emerging use of early health technology assessment in medical product development: A scoping review of the literature.
- Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
2017 Jul. Pharmacoeconomics.35(7):727-740.
Incremental value of circulating MiR-122-5p to predict outcome after out of hospital cardiac arrest.
- Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
2017 Jun. Theranostics.7(10):2555-2564.
Protein S100 as outcome predictor after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest and targeted temperature management at 33 degrees C and 36 degrees C.
- Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
2017 Jun. Crit Care.21(1):153.
Human CD56dimCD16dim cells as an individualized Natural Killer cell subset.
- Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
2017 Jun. Front Immunol.8:699.