Latest publications

Geographic variations in cardiometabolic risk factors in Luxembourg.

  • Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
June 16, 2017
2017 Jun. Int J Environ Res Public Health.14(6).
  • Alkerwi A
  • Bahi IE
  • Stranges S
  • Beissel J
  • Delagardelle C
  • Noppe S
  • Kandala NB.

No influence of supplemental dietary calcium intake on the bioavailability of spinach carotenoids in humans.

  • Clinical and Epidemiological Investigation Center
June 01, 2017
2017 Jun. Br J Nutr.117(11):1560-1569. Epub 2017 Jun 27.
  • Corte-Real J
  • Guignard C
  • Gantenbein M
  • Weber B
  • Burgard K
  • Hoffmann L
  • Richling E
  • Bohn T.

Are preferences over health states informed?

  • Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
May 18, 2017
2017 May. Health Qual Life Outcomes.15(1):105.
  • Karimi M
  • Brazier J
  • Paisley S.

European Health Interview Survey (EHIS): Méthodologie de l’étude (Factsheet)

  • Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
May 15, 2017
2017 May. Luxembourg: Ministère de la Santé – Direction de la Santé , Luxembourg Institute of Health, 2017. 2 p.
  • Thomas AC
  • Barre J.

European Health Interview Survey (EHIS): Obésité, Nutrition et Activité physique (Factsheet)

  • Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
May 15, 2017
2017 May. Luxembourg: Ministère de la Santé – Direction de la Santé , Luxembourg Institute of Health, 2017. 4 p.
  • Thomas AC
  • Barre J.

European Health Interview Survey (EHIS): Consommation de tabac et d’alcool (Factsheet)

  • Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
May 15, 2017
2017 May. Luxembourg: Ministère de la Santé–Direction de la Santé , Luxembourg Institute of Health, 2017. 4 p.
  • Thomas AC
  • Barre J.

Measurement errors and dietary patterns in nutritional epidemiology. (Doctoral thesis)

  • Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
May 10, 2017
2017 May. Liège: Université de Liège, 2017. 200 p.
  • Sauvageot N.

Effect of promotional initiatives on visits to a dedicated website for physical activity and non-communicable disease in Luxembourg: an event study.

  • Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
May 02, 2017
2017 May. Front Public Health.5:114.
  • Lion A
  • Thornton JS
  • Vaillant M
  • Pertuy J
  • Besenius E
  • Hardy C
  • Delagardelle C
  • Seil R
  • Urhausen A
  • Theisen D.

Regulatory considerations on the enrollment of older adults in oncology clinical trials.

  • Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
May 01, 2017
2017 May. J Geriatr Oncol.8(3):151-153. Epub 2017 Mar 9.
  • Raimi-Abraham BT
  • de Orbe Izquierdo MS
  • Collignon O
  • Cerreta F.

Mechanics of standing and crouching sprint starts.

  • Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
May 01, 2017
2017 May. J Sports Sci.35(9):858-865. Epub 2016 Jun 14.
  • Slawinski J
  • Houel N
  • Bonnefoy-Mazure A
  • Lissajoux K
  • Bocquet V
  • Termoz N.

Statistical issues in first-in-human studies on BIA 10-2474: Neglected comparison of protocol against practice.

  • Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
March 01, 2017
2017 Mar. Pharm Stat.16(2):100-106. Epub 2017 Feb 16.
  • Bird SM
  • Bailey RA
  • Grieve AP
  • Senn S.

Symposium biosimilaires.

  • Clinical and Epidemiological Investigation Center
February 01, 2017
2017 Feb. Semper Luxembourg.(88):13-16.
  • Chioti A.

Nouvelle réglementation européenne sur les essais cliniques: enjeux et opportunités.

  • Clinical and Epidemiological Investigation Center
February 01, 2017
2017 Feb. Semper Luxembourg.(89):25-27.
  • Chioti A.

Comment on “An algorithm for identification and classification of individuals with type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus in a large primary care database”, written by Sharma et al.

  • Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
January 25, 2017
2017 Jan. Clin Epidemiol.9:63-65.
  • Bocquet V.

Stroke survivors in Nigeria: A door-to-door prevalence survey from the Niger Delta region.

  • Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
January 15, 2017
2017 Jan. J Neurol Sci.372:262-269. Epub 2016 Nov 25.
  • Ezejimofor MC
  • Uthman OA
  • Maduka O
  • Ezeabasili AC
  • Onwuchekwa AC
  • Ezejimofor BC
  • Asuquo E
  • Chen YF
  • Stranges S
  • Kandala NB.

Stability-based validation of dietary patterns obtained by cluster analysis.

  • Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
January 14, 2017
2017 Jan. Nutr J.16(1):4.
  • Sauvageot N
  • Schritz A
  • Leite S
  • Alkerwi A
  • Stranges S
  • Zannad F
  • Streel S
  • Hoge A
  • Donneau AF
  • Albert A
  • Guillaume M.

How do individuals value health states? A qualitative investigation.

  • Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
January 01, 2017
2017 Jan. Soc Sci Med.172:80-88. Epub 2016 Nov 22.
  • Karimi M
  • Brazier J
  • Paisley S.

Do disparities between populations in randomized controlled trials and the real world lead to differences in outcomes?

  • Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
January 01, 2017
2017 Jan. J Comp Eff Res.6(1):65-82. Epub 2016 Nov 17.
  • Gray E
  • Norris S
  • Schmitz S
  • O'Leary A.

Defining drug response for stratified medicine.

  • Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
January 01, 2017
2017 Jan. Drug Discov Today.22(1):173-179. Epub 2016 Nov 3.
  • Lonergan M
  • Senn SJ
  • McNamee C
  • Daly AK
  • Sutton R
  • Hattersley A
  • Pearson E
  • Pirmohamed M.

Considering chance in quality and safety performance measures: an analysis of performance reports by boards in English NHS trusts.

  • Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
January 01, 2017
2017 Jan. BMJ Qual Saf.26(1):61-69. Epub 2016 Mar 31.
  • Schmidtke KA
  • Poots AJ
  • Carpio J
  • Vlaev I
  • Kandala NB
  • Lilford RJ.