Latest publications

Guidelines for clinical trial protocols for interventions involving artificial intelligence: the SPIRIT-AI Extension.

  • Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
September 09, 2020
2020 Sep. BMJ.370:m3210.
  • Rivera SC
  • Liu X
  • Chan AW
  • Denniston AK
  • Calvert MJ
  • Spirit A. I. Consort-Ai Working Group (Vaillant M as participant for LIH).

Reporting guidelines for clinical trial reports for interventions involving artificial intelligence: the CONSORT-AI extension.

  • Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
September 01, 2020
2020 Sep. Nat Med.26(9):1364-1374. Epub 2020 Sep 9.
  • Liu X
  • Cruz Rivera S
  • Moher D
  • Calvert MJ
  • Denniston AK
  • Spirit A. I. and Consort-Ai Working Group (Vaillant M as contributor for LIH).

Relationship of oxidative stress to visceral adiposity in youth and role played by vitamin D.

  • Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
August 01, 2020
2020 Aug. Pediatr Diabetes.21(5):758-765. Epub 2020 Jun 8.
  • Samouda H
  • De Beaufort C
  • Gilson G
  • Schritz A
  • Vaillant M
  • Ghaddhab C
  • Ruiz-Castell M
  • Huiart L
  • Dohet F
  • Weber B
  • Bohn T.

Combination disease prevention in prisons: a comprehensive programme in Luxembourg. In Compendium of good practices in the health sector response to viral hepatitis in the WHO European Region. (Book Chapter)

  • Clinical and Epidemiological Investigation Center
July 27, 2020
2020 Jul. Copenhagen: WHO Regional Office for Europe, 2020. p.50-53. ISBN 9289055162.
  • Hoffmann P
  • Arendt V
  • Fischer A
  • Menster M
  • Etienne V
  • Meyers J
  • Conrath M
  • Stein R
  • Braunert C
  • Foulon M-L
  • Seguin-Devaux C.

Clustered allocation as a way of understanding historical controls: Components of variation and regulatory considerations.

  • Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
July 01, 2020
2020 Jul. Stat Methods Med Res.29(7):1960-1971. Epub 2019 Oct 10.
  • Collignon O
  • Schritz A
  • Senn SJ
  • Spezia R.

Identifying hotspots of cardiometabolic outcomes based on a Bayesian approach: The example of Chile.

  • Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
June 22, 2020
2020 Jun. PLoS One.15(6):e0235009.
  • Aguayo GA
  • Schritz A
  • Ruiz-Castell M
  • Villarroel L
  • Valdivia G
  • Fagherazzi G
  • Witte DR
  • Lawson A.

Efficacy and safety of single-dose 40 mg/kg oral praziquantel in the treatment of schistosomiasis in preschool-age versus school-age children: An individual participant data meta-analysis.

  • Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
June 22, 2020
2020 Jun. PLoS Negl Trop Dis.14(6):e0008277.
  • Olliaro PL
  • Coulibaly JT
  • Garba A
  • Halleux C
  • Keiser J
  • King CH
  • Mutapi F
  • N'Goran EK
  • Raso G
  • Scherrer AU
  • Sousa-Figueiredo JC
  • Stete K
  • Utzinger J
  • Vaillant MT.

Identification of a blood-based protein biomarker panel for lung cancer detection.

  • Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
June 19, 2020
2020 Jun. Cancers.12(6):E1629.
  • El-Khoury V
  • Schritz A
  • Kim SY
  • Lesur A
  • Sertamo K
  • Bernardin F
  • Petritis K
  • Pirrotte P
  • Selinsky C
  • Whiteaker JR
  • Zhang H
  • Kennedy JJ
  • Lin C
  • Lee LW
  • Yan P
  • Tran NL
  • Inge LJ
  • Chalabi K
  • Decker G
  • Bjerkvig R
  • Paulovich AG
  • Berchem G
  • Kim YJ.

Parkinson's disease-associated alterations of the gut microbiome predict disease-relevant changes in metabolic functions.

  • Clinical and Epidemiological Investigation Center
  • Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
June 09, 2020
2020 Jun. BMC Biol.18(1):62.
  • Baldini F
  • Hertel J
  • Sandt E
  • Thinnes CC
  • Neuberger-Castillo L
  • Pavelka L
  • Betsou F
  • Krüger R
  • Thiele I
  • NCER-PD Consortium (23 collaborators from LIH)
  • Aguayo G
  • Ammerlann W
  • Beaumont K
  • Esteves D
  • Ferrand JY
  • Gantenbein M
  • Geffers L
  • Graas J
  • Hanff AM
  • Hansen M
  • Huiart L
  • Larue C
  • Marques G
  • Menster M
  • Minelli M
  • Mittelbronn M
  • Mommaerts K
  • Nehrbass U
  • Perquin M
  • Schmitz S
  • Trezzi J
  • Vaillant M.

Current statistical considerations and regulatory perspectives on the planning of confirmatory basket, umbrella and platform trials.

  • Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
May 01, 2020
2020 May. Clin Pharmacol Ther.107(5):1059-1067. Epub 2020 Apr 1.
  • Collignon O
  • Gartner C
  • Haidich AB
  • James Hemmings R
  • Hofner B
  • Petavy F
  • Posch M
  • Rantell K
  • Roes K
  • Schiel A.

Multi-scale multivariate models for small area health survey data: A chilean example.

  • Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
March 05, 2020
2020 Mar. Int J Environ Res Public Health.17(5).
  • Lawson A
  • Schritz A
  • Villarroel L
  • Aguayo GA.

Evaluation du plan national de prévention du suicide du Luxembourg 2015-2019. (Book)

  • Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
March 01, 2020
2020 Mar. Luxembourg: Ministère de la Santé – Direction de la Santé, 2020. 146 p. ISBN NA.
  • Louazel V
  • Comité de pilotage (Bejko D en tant que contributeur pour le LIH)
  • Groupes de travail (Bejko D Martinet V Bocquet V et Perquin M en tant que contributeurs pour le LIH)
  • .

Bayesian hierarchical models for meta-analysis of quality-of-Life outcomes: an Application in multimorbidity.

  • Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
January 01, 2020
2020 Jan. Pharmacoeconomics.38(1):85-95.
  • Schmitz S
  • Makovski TT
  • Adams R
  • van den Akker M
  • Stranges S
  • Zeegers MP.

Prédiabète et diabète au Luxembourg: Un problème croissant.

  • Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
January 01, 2020
2020 Jan. MedinLux.16-20.
  • Bocquet V
  • Ruiz-Castell M
  • De beaufort C
  • Barre J
  • De rekeneire N
  • Michel G
  • Donahue RP
  • Kuemmerle A
  • Stranges S.

Le métier d’infirmier dans la recherche Clinique.

  • Clinical and Epidemiological Investigation Center
December 01, 2019
2019 Dec. Letz be healthy.(44):30-31.
  • Valoura Esteves D.

Insights of the Journal of Clinical Oncology and Therapeutics.

  • Clinical and Epidemiological Investigation Center
November 29, 2019
2019 Nov. J Clin Oncol Ther.1(1).
  • Cimino J.

HIV/AIDS surveillance in Europe 2019 – 2018 data. (Book)

  • Clinical and Epidemiological Investigation Center
November 28, 2019
2019 Nov. Stockholm: ECDC, 2019. 95 p. ISBN 978-92-9498-395-4 (EDC Paper); 978-92-9498-396 (EDC PDF); 978-92-890-5460-7 (WHO).
  • European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control
  • WHO Regional Office for Europe
  • Fischer A. (as contributor for HIV/AIDS surveillance at Luxembourg).

Large expert-curated database for benchmarking document similarity detection in biomedical literature search.

  • Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
October 29, 2019
2019 Oct. Database.2019.
  • Brown P
  • RELISH Consortium (Vaillant M. as collaborator for the RELISH Consortium)
  • Zhou Y.

Multilingual validation of the first French version of Munich Dysphagia Test–Parkinson’s Disease (MDT-PD) in the Luxembourg Parkinson’s Study.

  • Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
October 22, 2019
2019 Oct. Front Neurol.10:1180.
  • Simons JA
  • Vaillant M
  • Hipp G
  • Pavelka L
  • Stute L
  • Pauly C
  • Kruger R.

Blood pharmacokinetic of 17 common pesticides in mixture following a single oral exposure in rats: implications for human biomonitoring and exposure assessment.

  • Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
October 01, 2019
2019 Oct. Arch Toxicol.93(10):2849-2862. Epub 2019 Aug 19.
  • Chata C
  • Palazzi P
  • Grova N
  • Haan S
  • Emond C
  • Vaillant M
  • Appenzeller BMR.