Latest publications
Paclitaxel-Coated Balloon Angioplasty of Venous Stenoses in Native Dialysis Fistulas: Primary and Secondary Patencies at 6 and 12 Months.
- Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
2016 Jul. J Belg Soc Radiol.100(1):69.
The effect of education on household food security in two informal urban settlements in Kenya: a longitudinal analysis.
- Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
2016 Jul. Food Secur.1-14.
Contributory factors to caregiver burden in parkinson disease.
- Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
2016 Jul. J Am Med Dir Assoc.17(7):626-32. Epub 2016 Apr 30.
[Insomnia, anxiety: should the prescription of benzodiazepines be controlled?].
- Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
2016 Jul. Bull Soc Sci Med Grand Duche Luxemb.(2):77-89.
The schistosomiasis clinical trials landscape: A systematic review of antischistosomal treatment efficacy studies and a case for sharing Individual Participant-level Data (IPD).
- Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
2016 Jun. PLoS Negl Trop Dis.10(6):e0004784.
Nouvelles perspectives de traitement contre le VIH et l’hépatite C.
- Clinical and Epidemiological Investigation Center
2016 Jun. Semper Luxembourg.(81):28-32.
Determination of tetrahydroxylated metabolites in hair and DNA of rats under controlled exposure to a mixture of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons: new biomarkers for assessing human exposure.
- Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
2016 Jun. Organohalogen Compounds.78:445-447.
Association of circulating microRNA-124-3p levels with outcomes after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: A substudy of a randomized clinical trial.
- Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
2016 Jun. JAMA Cardiol.1(3):305-13.
Cardiometabolic risk: leg fat is protective during childhood.
- Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
2016 Jun. Pediatr Diabetes.17(4):300-8. Epub 2015 Jun 17.
Carte sanitaire - Mise à jour 2015: Document principal, Fascicule 1 et Fascicule 2. (Book)
- Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
2016 Jun. Luxembourg: Ministère de la Santé, Luxembourg Institute of Health, 2016.
A chronicle of permutation statistical methods: 1920–2000, and beyond, by K J Berry, J E Johnston, and P J W Mielke.
- Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
2016 May. BSHM Bull.31(2):155-156.
Statistical tests, P values, confidence intervals, and power: a guide to misinterpretations.
- Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
2016 May. Eur J Epidemiol.31(4):337-50. Epub 2016 May 21.
Stroke survivors in low- and middle-income countries: A meta-analysis of prevalence and secular trends.
- Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
2016 May. J Neurol Sci.364:68-76. Epub 2016 Mar 10.
Prevalence of vitamin B-12 insufficiency during pregnancy and its effect on offspring birth weight: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
- Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
2016 May. Am J Clin Nutr.103(5):1232-51. Epub 2016 Apr 13.
Daily chocolate consumption is inversely associated with insulin resistance and liver enzymes in the Observation of Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Luxembourg study.
- Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
2016 May. Br J Nutr.115(9):1661-8. Epub 2016 Mar 17.
Le financement de la recherche clinique: un bon investissement.
- Clinical and Epidemiological Investigation Center
2016 May. Semper Luxembourg.(80):28-31.
Etudes cliniques de phase I: le terrain est-il miné ?
- Clinical and Epidemiological Investigation Center
2016 Apr. Semper Luxembourg.(79):26-29.
Mastering variation: variance components and personalised medicine.
- Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
2016 Mar. Stat Med.35(7):966-77. Epub 2015 Sep 28.
Use of traditional medicine in middle-income countries: a WHO-SAGE study.
- Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
2016 Mar. Health Policy Plan.31(8):984-91. Epub 2016 Mar 30.
Core Standards of the EUBIROD Project. Defining a European Diabetes Data Dictionary for Clinical Audit and Healthcare Delivery.
- Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
2016 Mar. Methods Inf Med.55(2):166-76. Epub 2015 Dec 15.