Latest publications

The potential impact of animal protein intake on global and central obesity: evidence from the ORISCAV-LUX study.

  • Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
July 01, 2015
2015 Jul. Public Health Nutr.18(10):1831-8. Epub 2015 Jan 22.
  • Alkerwi A
  • Sauvageot N
  • Buckley JD
  • Donneau AF
  • Albert A
  • Guillaume M
  • Crichton GE.

Tea, but not coffee consumption, is associated with components of arterial pressure. The Observation of Cardiovascular Risk Factors study in Luxembourg.

  • Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
July 01, 2015
2015 Jul. Nutr Res.35(7):557-65. Epub 2015 May 22.
  • Alkerwi A
  • Sauvageot N
  • Crichton GE
  • Elias MF.

Toward measuring schistosoma response to praziquantel treatment with appropriate descriptors of egg excretion.

  • Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
June 18, 2015
2015 Jun. PLoS Negl Trop Dis.9(6):e0003821.
  • Olliaro PL
  • Vaillant M
  • Diawara A
  • Coulibaly JT
  • Garba A
  • Keiser J
  • King CH
  • Knopp S
  • Landoure A
  • N'Goran EK
  • Raso G
  • Scherrer AU
  • Sousa-Figueiredo JC
  • Stete K
  • Zhou XN
  • Utzinger J.

Individual response to exercise training - a statistical perspective.

  • Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
June 15, 2015
2015 Jun. J Appl Physiol.118(12):1450-9. Epub 2015 Feb 5.
  • Hecksteden A
  • Kraushaar J
  • Scharhag-Rosenberger F
  • Theisen D
  • Senn S
  • Meyer T.

Hypnotics and triazolobenzodiazepines - Best predictors of benzodiazepine high-dose use: Results from the Luxembourg national health insurance registry.

  • Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
June 04, 2015
2015 Jun. Psychother Psychosom.84(5):273-83. Epub 2015 Aug 6.
  • Cloos JM
  • Bocquet V
  • Rolland-Portal I
  • Koch P
  • Chouinard G.

Body mass index and childhood obesity classification systems: A comparison of the French, International Obesity Task Force (IOTF) and World Health Organization (WHO) references.

  • Clinical and Epidemiological Investigation Center
June 01, 2015
2015 Jun. Rev Epidemiol Sante Publique.63(3):173-82. Epub 2015 May 21.
  • Keke LM
  • Samouda H
  • Jacobs J
  • di Pompeo C
  • Lemdani M
  • Hubert H
  • Zitouni D
  • Guinhouya BC.

Neuron-specific enolase as a predictor of death or poor neurological outcome after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest and targeted temperature management at 33°C and 36°C.

  • Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
May 19, 2015
2015 May. J Am Coll Cardiol.65(19):2104-14.
  • Stammet P
  • Collignon O
  • Hassager C
  • Wise MP
  • Hovdenes J
  • Aneman A
  • Horn J
  • Devaux Y
  • Erlinge D
  • Kjaergaard J
  • Gasche Y
  • Wanscher M
  • Cronberg T
  • Friberg H
  • Wetterslev J
  • Pellis T
  • Kuiper M
  • Gilson G
  • Nielsen N
  • T. TM-Trial Investigators.

Demographic and socioeconomic disparity in nutrition: application of a novel Correlated Component Regression approach.

  • Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
May 11, 2015
2015 May. BMJ Open.5(5).
  • Alkerwi A
  • Vernier C
  • Sauvageot N
  • Crichton GE
  • Elias MF.

Assessing drivers of full adoption of test and treat policy for malaria in Senegal.

  • Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
May 11, 2015
2015 May. Am J Trop Med Hyg.93(1):159-67. Epub 2015 May 11.
  • Faust C
  • Zelner J
  • Brasseur P
  • Vaillant M
  • Badiane M
  • Cisse M
  • Grenfell B
  • Olliaro P.

Association between nutritional awareness and diet quality: evidence from the observation of cardiovascular risk factors in Luxembourg (ORISCAV-LUX) study.

  • Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
April 14, 2015
2015 Apr. Nutrients.7(4):2823-38.
  • Alkerwi A
  • Sauvageot N
  • Malan L
  • Shivappa N
  • Hebert JR.

Le «Risk-Based Monitoring», une nouvelle approche du contrôle qualité des essais cliniques.

  • Clinical and Epidemiological Investigation Center
April 01, 2015
2015 Apr. Semper Luxembourg.(68):32-34.
  • Chioti A.

The effect of dosing strategies on the therapeutic efficacy of artesunate-amodiaquine for uncomplicated malaria: a meta-analysis of individual patient data.

  • Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
March 31, 2015
2015 Mar. BMC Med.13:66.
  • WorldWide Antimalarial Resistance Network (WWARN) AS-AQ Study Group
  • Adjuik MA
  • Allan R
  • Anvikar AR
  • Ashley EA
  • Ba MS
  • Barennes H
  • Barnes KI
  • Bassat Q
  • Baudin E
  • Bjorkman A
  • Bompart F
  • Bonnet M
  • Borrmann S
  • Brasseur P
  • Bukirwa H
  • Checchi F
  • Cot M
  • Dahal P
  • D'Alessandro U
  • Deloron P
  • Desai M
  • Diap G
  • Djimde AA
  • Dorsey G
  • Doumbo OK
  • Espie E
  • Etard JF
  • Fanello CI
  • Faucher JF
  • Faye B
  • Flegg JA
  • Gaye O
  • Gething PW
  • Gonzalez R
  • Grandesso F
  • Guerin PJ
  • Guthmann JP
  • Hamour S
  • Hasugian AR
  • Hay SI
  • Humphreys GS
  • Jullien V
  • Juma E
  • Kamya MR
  • Karema C
  • Kiechel JR
  • Kremsner PG
  • Krishna S
  • Lameyre V
  • Ibrahim LM
  • Lee SJ
  • Lell B
  • Martensson A
  • Massougbodji A
  • Menan H
  • Menard D
  • Menendez C
  • Meremikwu M
  • Moreira C
  • Nabasumba C
  • Nambozi M
  • Ndiaye JL
  • Nikiema F
  • Nsanzabana C
  • Ntoumi F
  • Ogutu BR
  • Olliaro P
  • Osorio L
  • Ouedraogo JB
  • Penali LK
  • Pene M
  • Pinoges L
  • Piola P
  • Price RN
  • Roper C
  • Rosenthal PJ
  • Rwagacondo CE
  • Same-Ekobo A
  • Schramm B
  • Seck A
  • Sharma B
  • Sibley CH
  • Sinou V
  • Sirima SB
  • Smith JJ
  • Smithuis F
  • Some FA
  • Sow D
  • Staedke SG
  • Stepniewska K
  • Swarthout TD
  • Sylla K
  • Talisuna AO
  • Tarning J
  • Taylor WR
  • Temu EA
  • Thwing JI
  • Tjitra E
  • Tine RC
  • Tinto H
  • Vaillant MT
  • Valecha N
  • Van den Broek I
  • White NJ
  • Yeka A
  • Zongo I.

Adherence to physical activity recommendations and its associated factors: an interregional population-based study.

  • Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
March 26, 2015
2015 Mar. J Public Health Res.4(1):406.
  • Alkerwi A
  • Schuh B
  • Sauvageot N
  • Zannad F
  • Olivier A
  • Guillaume M
  • Albert A
  • Larsson CA.

Progression-seeking bias and rational optimism in research and development.

  • Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
March 01, 2015
2015 Mar. Nat Rev Drug Discov.14(3):219-21. Epub 2015 Feb 6.
  • Lendrem DW
  • Lendrem BC
  • Peck RW
  • Senn SC
  • Day S
  • Isaacs JD.

Essais cliniques: quelles nouveautés depuis la publication du nouveau règlement européen ?

  • Clinical and Epidemiological Investigation Center
February 01, 2015
2015 Feb. Semper Luxembourg.(66):28-30.
  • Chioti A.

R&D productivity rides again?

  • Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
January 01, 2015
2015 Jan. Pharm Stat.14(1):1-3. Epub 2014 Oct 22.
  • Lendrem D
  • Senn SJ
  • Lendrem BC
  • Isaacs JD.

Cross-comparison of diet quality indices for predicting chronic disease risk: findings from the Observation of Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Luxembourg (ORISCAV-LUX) study.

  • Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
January 01, 2015
2015 Jan. Br J Nutr.113(2):259-69. Epub 2014 Dec 5.
  • Alkerwi A
  • Vernier C
  • Crichton GE
  • Sauvageot N
  • Shivappa N
  • Hebert JR.

Fixed dose artesunate amodiaquine - a phase IIb, randomized comparative trial with non-fixed artesunate amodiaquine.

  • Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
December 16, 2014
2014 Dec. Malar J.13(1):498.
  • Ogutu B
  • Juma E
  • Obonyo C
  • Jullien V
  • Carn G
  • Vaillant M
  • Taylor WR
  • Kiechel JR.

Bispectral index to predict neurological outcome early after cardiac arrest.

  • Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
December 01, 2014
2014 Dec. Resuscitation.85(12):1674-80. Epub 2014 Sep 23.
  • Stammet P
  • Collignon O
  • Werer C
  • Sertznig C
  • Devaux Y.

TPmsm: Estimation of the Transition Probabilities in 3-State Models.

  • Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
December 01, 2014
2014 Dec. J Stat Softw.62(4):1-29.
  • Araujo A
  • Meira-Machado L
  • Roca-Pardinas J.