Latest publications

Assessing comorbidity and correlates of wasting and stunting among children in Somalia using cross-sectional household surveys: 2007 to 2010.

  • Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
March 09, 2016
2016 Mar. BMJ Open.6(3):e009854.
  • Kinyoki DK
  • Kandala NB
  • Manda SO
  • Krainski ET
  • Fuglstad GA
  • Moloney GM
  • Berkley JA
  • Noor AM.

Transmission of HIV drug resistance and the predicted effect on current first-line regimens in Europe.

  • Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
March 01, 2016
2016 Mar. Clin Infect Dis.62(5):655-63. Epub 2015 Nov 29.
  • Hofstra LM
  • Sauvageot N
  • Albert J
  • Alexiev I
  • Garcia F
  • Struck D
  • Van de Vijver DA
  • Asjo B
  • Beshkov D
  • Coughlan S
  • Descamps D
  • Griskevicius A
  • Hamouda O
  • Horban A
  • Van Kasteren M
  • Kolupajeva T
  • Kostrikis LG
  • Liitsola K
  • Linka M
  • Mor O
  • Nielsen C
  • Otelea D
  • Paraskevis D
  • Paredes R
  • Poljak M
  • Puchhammer-Stockl E
  • Sonnerborg A
  • Stanekova D
  • Stanojevic M
  • Van Laethem K
  • Zazzi M
  • Lepej SZ
  • Boucher CA
  • Schmit JC
  • Wensing AM
  • SPREAD Program (Sequin-Devaux C as collaborator for this program).

Space-time mapping of wasting among children under the age of five years in Somalia from 2007 to 2010.

  • Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
February 01, 2016
2016 Feb. Spat Spatiotemporal Epidemiol.16:77-87. Epub 2016 Jan 9.
  • Kinyoki DK
  • Berkley JA
  • Moloney GM
  • Odundo EO
  • Kandala NB
  • Noor AM.

Geography and correlates of attitude toward Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) in Sudan: What can we learn from successive Sudan opinion poll data?

  • Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
February 01, 2016
2016 Feb. Spat Spatiotemporal Epidemiol.16:59-76. Epub 2015 Dec 23.
  • Hamilton A
  • Kandala NB.

Factors that predict differences in childhood mortality in nigerian communities: A prognostic model.

  • Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
January 01, 2016
2016 Jan. J Pediatr.168:144-50 e1. Epub 2015 Oct 24.
  • Adekanmbi VT
  • Kandala NB
  • Stranges S
  • Uthman OA.

Prevalence of hypertension in low- and middle-income countries: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

  • Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
December 01, 2015
2015 Dec. Medicine (Baltimore).94(50):e1959.
  • Sarki AM
  • Nduka CU
  • Stranges S
  • Kandala NB
  • Uthman OA.

Estimating the Costs of Torture: Challenges and Opportunities.

  • Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
December 01, 2015
2015 Dec. Appl Health Econ Health Policy.13(6):567-81.
  • Mpinga EK
  • Kandala NB
  • Hasselgard-Rowe J
  • Tshimungu Kandolo F
  • Verloo H
  • Bukonda NK
  • Chastonay P.

Evolution de la réglementation européenne des dispositifs médicaux: Le Luxembourg mène le débat sur la gestion du risque.

  • Clinical and Epidemiological Investigation Center
December 01, 2015
2015 Dec. Semper Luxembourg.(75):40-43.
  • Chioti A.

Implementation of comparative effectiveness research in personalized medicine applications in oncology: current and future perspectives.

  • Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
November 26, 2015
2015 Nov. Comp Eff Res.5:65-72.
  • IJzerman M
  • Manca A
  • Keizer J
  • Ramsey S.

Contextual socioeconomic factors associated with childhood mortality in Nigeria: a multilevel analysis.

  • Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
November 01, 2015
2015 Nov. J Epidemiol Community Health.69(11):1102-8. Epub 2015 Jun 10.
  • Adekanmbi VT
  • Kandala NB
  • Stranges S
  • Uthman OA.

Requirements for certification of ECRIN data centres, with explanation and elaboration of standards, Version 3.0. (Book)

  • Clinical and Epidemiological Investigation Center
October 26, 2015
2015 Oct. Genève: Zenodo, 2015. 96 p.
  • Canham S
  • Clivio L
  • Cornu C
  • Crocombe W
  • De Bremaeker N
  • Domingues C
  • Faherty M
  • Gueyffier F
  • Lauritsen J
  • Nicolis EB
  • Ohmann C
  • Palmer G
  • Pêgo JM
  • Pham C
  • Ruckes C
  • Wittenberg M.

Adding anthropometric measures of regional adiposity to BMI improves prediction of cardiometabolic, inflammatory and adipokines profiles in youths: a cross-sectional study.

  • Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
October 24, 2015
2015 Oct. BMC Pediatr.15(1):168.
  • Samouda H
  • de Beaufort C
  • Stranges S
  • Guinhouya BC
  • Gilson G
  • Hirsch M
  • Jacobs J
  • Leite S
  • Vaillant M
  • Dadoun F.

Household food (in)security and nutritional status of urban poor children aged 6 to 23 months in Kenya.

  • Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
October 13, 2015
2015 Oct. BMC Public Health.15:1052.
  • Mutisya M
  • Kandala NB
  • Ngware MW
  • Kabiru CW.

The dual burden of nutrition transition among women in sub-Saharan Africa: a case study of underweight in Nigeria.

  • Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
October 08, 2015
2015 Oct. J Biosoc Sci.48(4):486-501. Epub 2015 Nov 28.
  • Kandala NB
  • Emina JB.

La Recherche translationnelle en Cancérologie: des découvertes de la recherche à la maîtrise clinique du cancer.

  • Clinical and Epidemiological Investigation Center
October 01, 2015
2015 Oct. Semper Luxembourg.(75):40-43.
  • Skhiri L.

Prevalence of dementia and cognitive complaints in the context of high cognitive reserve: A population-based study.

  • Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
September 21, 2015
2015 Sep. PLoS One.10(9):e0138818.
  • Perquin M
  • Diederich N
  • Pastore J
  • Lair ML
  • Stranges S
  • Vaillant M
  • MemoVie Group (Couffignal S as member).

Clinical determinants of early parasitological response to ACTs in African patients with uncomplicated falciparum malaria: a literature review and meta-analysis of individual patient data.

  • Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
September 07, 2015
2015 Sep. BMC Med.13(1):212.
  • WWARN Artemisinin based Combination Therapy (ACT) Africa Baseline Study Group (Vaillant M. as author contributor).

Urbanisation and geographic variation of overweight and obesity in India: a cross-sectional analysis of the Indian Demographic Health Survey 2005-2006.

  • Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
September 01, 2015
2015 Sep. Int J Public Health.60(6):717-26. Epub 2015 Jul 22.
  • Siddiqui ST
  • Kandala NB
  • Stranges S.

Prevalence and correlates of vitamin D deficiency and insufficiency in Luxembourg adults: evidence from the observation of cardiovascular risk factors (ORISCAV-LUX) study.

  • Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
August 13, 2015
2015 Aug. Nutrients.7(8):6780-96.
  • Alkerwi A
  • Sauvageot N
  • Gilson G
  • Stranges S.

Various varying variances: The challenge of nuisance parameters to the practising biostatistician.

  • Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
August 01, 2015
2015 Aug. Stat Methods Med Res.24(4):403-19. Epub 2014 Feb 2.
  • Senn S.