Latest publications

Santé mentale et éducation au Luxembourg : étude des facteurs de risque psychosociaux associés au décrochage scolaire. In Prévention et promotion de la santé mentale: Une alliance transfrontalière innovante. (Book Chapter)

  • Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
February 01, 2014
2014 Feb. Fond-Harmant L, ed. Paris: L’Harmattan, 2014. p.41-64. (Logiques sociales). ISBN 978-2-343-02227-7.
  • Esch P
  • Bocquet V
  • Pull C
  • Demogeot C
  • Lehnert T
  • Graas M
  • Fond-Harmant L
  • Ansseau M.

Prévention et promotion de la santé mentale: Une alliance transfrontalière innovante. (Book)

  • Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
February 01, 2014
2014 Feb. Fond-Harmant L, ed. Paris: L’Harmattan, 2014. 238 p. (Logiques sociales). ISBN 978-2-343-02227-7.
  • Absil G
  • Ansseau M
  • Barroche MC
  • Bauvir A
  • Bocquet V
  • Böhm D
  • Bontemps C
  • Claudon P
  • Demogeot C
  • Deschamps JP
  • Esch P
  • Fidry E
  • Fond-Harmant L
  • Geeraert A
  • Graas M
  • Govers P
  • Hannick M
  • Henry C
  • Kaiser M
  • Leclerc M
  • Lerebourg A
  • Mansour C
  • Morsch B
  • Pull C
  • Sibertin-Blanc D
  • Lehnert T
  • Vandoorne C
  • Voinson S
  • Wunn B.

Door-to-balloon time and mortality.

  • Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
January 09, 2014
2014 Jan. N Engl J Med.370(2):180-1.
  • Wagner DR
  • Devaux Y
  • Collignon O.

Some issues in predicting patient recruitment in multi-centre clinical trials.

  • Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
December 30, 2013
2013 Dec. Stat Med.32(30):5458-68. Epub 2013 Sep 17.
  • Bakhshi A
  • Senn S
  • Phillips A.

Authors are also reviewers: problems in assigning cause for missing negative studies.

  • Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
December 25, 2013
2013 Dec. F1000Res.2:17.
  • Senn S.

Balance bénéfice-risque en recherche biomédicale: un équilibre instable.

  • Clinical and Epidemiological Investigation Center
December 01, 2013
2013 Dec. Semper Luxembourg.(53):28-29.
  • Chioti A.

Bad karma.

  • Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
December 01, 2013
2013 Dec. Med Writ.22(4):252-255.
  • Senn S.

A daily glass of red wine associated with lifestyle changes independently improves blood lipids in patients with carotid arteriosclerosis: results from a randomized controlled trial.

  • Clinical and Epidemiological Investigation Center
  • Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
November 15, 2013
2013 Nov. Nutr J.12(1):147.
  • Droste DW
  • Iliescu C
  • Vaillant M
  • Gantenbein M
  • De Bremaeker N
  • Lieunard C
  • Velez T
  • Meyer M
  • Guth T
  • Kuemmerle A
  • Gilson G
  • Chioti A.

Adherence to international follow-up guidelines in type 2 diabetes: a longitudinal cohort study in Luxembourg.

  • Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
November 11, 2013
2013 Nov. PLoS One.8(11):e80162.
  • Renard LM
  • Bocquet V
  • Vidal-Trecan G
  • Lair ML
  • Blum-Boisgard C.

Use of food frequency questionnaire to assess relationships between dietary habits and cardiovascular risk factors in NESCAV study: validation with biomarkers.

  • Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
November 06, 2013
2013 Nov. Nutr J.12(1):143.
  • Sauvageot N
  • Alkerwi A
  • Albert A
  • Guillaume M.

A daily glass of red wine and lifestyle changes do not affect arterial blood pressure and heart rate in patients with carotid arteriosclerosis after 4 and 20 weeks.

  • Clinical and Epidemiological Investigation Center
  • Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
October 05, 2013
2013 Oct. Cerebrovasc Dis Extra.3(1):121-9.
  • Droste DW
  • Iliescu C
  • Vaillant M
  • Gantenbein M
  • De Bremaeker N
  • Lieunard C
  • Velez T
  • Meyer M
  • Guth T
  • Kuemmerle A
  • Chioti A.

Practical dosing of praziquantel for schistosomiasis in preschool-aged children.

  • Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
September 01, 2013
2013 Sep. Trop Med Int Health.18(9):1085-1089.
  • Olliaro PL
  • Vaillant M
  • Hayes DJ
  • Montresor A
  • Chitsulo L.

Lack of polysomnographic Non-REM sleep changes in early Parkinson's disease.

  • Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
September 01, 2013
2013 Sep. Mov Disord.28(10):1443-6. Epub 2013 Jun 6.
  • Diederich NJ
  • Rufra O
  • Pieri V
  • Hipp G
  • Vaillant M.

Effects of different training modalities on circulating anabolic/catabolic markers in chronic heart failure.

  • Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
September 01, 2013
2013 Sep. J Cardiopulm Rehabil Prev.33(5):303-8.
  • Feiereisen P
  • Vaillant M
  • Gilson G
  • Delagardelle C.

Qu’est-ce que la médecine translationnelle?

  • Clinical and Epidemiological Investigation Center
September 01, 2013
2013 Sep. Semper Luxembourg.(50):27.
  • Chioti A.

A panel of 4 microRNAs facilitates the prediction of left ventricular contractility after acute myocardial infarction.

  • Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
August 13, 2013
2013 Aug. PLoS One.8(8):e70644.
  • Devaux Y
  • Vausort M
  • McCann GP
  • Kelly D
  • Collignon O
  • Ng LL
  • Wagner DR
  • Squire IB.

Being efficient about efficacy estimation.

  • Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
August 01, 2013
2013 Aug. Stat Biopharm Res.5(3):204-210.
  • Senn S.

Lifestyle counseling in patients with carotid arteriosclerosis from Luxemburg should focus more on the reduction of sugar, sodium and saturated fat consumption.

  • Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
  • Clinical and Epidemiological Investigation Center
July 03, 2013
2013 Jul. Bull Soc Sci Med Grand Duche Luxemb.(1):28-38.
  • Droste DW
  • Iliescu C
  • Vaillant M
  • Gantenbein M
  • De Bremaeker N
  • Lieunard C
  • Velez T
  • Meyer M
  • Guth T
  • Kuemmerle A
  • Chioti A.

Recherche en nutrition - l’essai clinique Biocar.

  • Clinical and Epidemiological Investigation Center
July 01, 2013
2013 Jul. Semper Luxembourg.(49):22-24.
  • Corte-Real J
  • Chioti A.

The use of saliva for assessment of cortisol pulsatile secretion by deconvolution analysis.

  • Clinical and Epidemiological Investigation Center
July 01, 2013
2013 Jul. Psychoneuroendocrinology.38(7):1090-101. Epub 2012 Dec 14.
  • Trifonova ST
  • Gantenbein M
  • Turner JD
  • Muller CP.