Transversal Translational Medicine
TTM team
TTM brings together a wealth of expertise, from an experienced team of basic researchers working in experimental patient-based models, to healthcare professionals who seek to treat unmet needs through research: physician scientists, nurses, neuropsychologists and many national and international collaborators.
The Director
Prof Dr med Rejko Krüger is Director of TTM at LIH and concurrently also Professor of Neuroscience at the University of Luxembourg. He is also actively seeing patients with movement disorders as neurologist at the Centre Hospitalier de Luxembourg. His clinical and experimental research on Parkinson’s disease is supported by an Excellence Grant (PEARL) from the Fonds National de Recherche (FNR). His clinical and research experience extends over 20 years with a special interest focus in the genetics of neurodegenerative diseases, which has resulted in more than 150 scientific publications thus far (>20.000 citations, h-index 49). He coordinates the National Center for Excellence in Research on Parkinson’s disease (NCER-PD), funded by the FNR.
The team
Bianca Dragomir, Research and Administrative Officer
(+352) 26970-967
(+352) 621575967
Iris Egner, TTM Project Manager, i2TRON DTU und EATRIS National Coordinator
Joëlle Fritz, Research and Strategy Specialist
(+352) 26970-840
(+352) 621667482
Anne-Marie Hanff, PhD Student
(+352) 26970-980
Maxime Hansen, Research Neuropsychologist
Deborah McIntyre, Physician-Scientist Specialist in Neurology
Bruno Santos, Project Leader in Translational Research

TTM Partners
TTM spans three of the main actors of the biomedical ecosystem in Luxembourg: the Luxembourg Centre for systems Biomedicine at the University of Luxembourg (LCSB), LIH and the Centre Hospitalier de Luxembourg (CHL). It is building capacity to link fundamental research to clinical practice and to translateclinical research into tangible health benefits for citizens, providing an interface for fundamental, epidemiological and clinical research. TTM is therefore perfectly positioned to enhance and develop translational initiatives in biomedical research and beyond.