Transversal Translational Medicine
Research programmes
TTM is carrying out a variety of research projects, from fundamental and clinical research, to integrated care and COVID-19.
Fundamental research
The Fundamental Research Focus of our translational research group at the LCSB is the elucidation of molecular signaling pathways leading to neurodegeneration in Parkinson's disease. Using mutation screenings in a large sample of Parkinson patients, the group has identified novel mutations in genes that are responsible for familial PD and deciphered genetic variants in candidate genes that are associated with sporadic PD.
Clinical research
The Clinical research focus of the group is through the National Centre for Excellence in Research – Parkinson’s Disease (NCER-PD) Programme, an initiative of the Luxembourg National Research Fund. The aim is to understand the mechanism of Parkinson’s disease to enable an earlier diagnosis and to develop precision treatments for PD patients.
Integrated care
Via the coordination of integrated care programmes such as ParkinsonNet, programme démence prevention (pdp), TTM provides an immediate return to the citizens and reaches into the community, creating access to therapies and implementing prevention strategies.
COVID-19: the CON-VINCE study
CON-VINCE (COvid-19 National survey for assessing VIral spread by Non-affected CarriErs) is a national project aiming to evaluate the dynamics of the spread of the COVID-19 disease within the Luxembourgish population. It was launched in April 2020 under the aegis of the Research Luxembourg COVID-19 task force. By screening a statistically representative panel of volunteers for the presence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, the study aims to identify asymptomatic and mildly symptomatic individuals and follow them up for a year. Ultimately, CON-VINCE seeks to generate accurate data on the prevalence and transmission of the disease, assisting policy-makers in taking evidence-based decisions.