i2TRON - PhD Training Program

Career development and training opportunities

1. Scientific and social collaborations 

All projects are embedded in the research group of the prospective supervisor and seven projects are also supported by co-supervisors. PhD candidates will thus work in a quality supervision environment. They are however expected to progressively develop autonomy on their individual project and lead their own personal development. 

Furthermore, all PhD projects and their research focus interlink within the DTU, providing a wealth of resources and support to succeed in the respective fields.

The Luxembourg research environment and the DTU i2TRON offer a highly interactive scientific environment.

a. National opportunities
  • Luxembourg’s young researchers association (Luxdoc

  • Doctoral Students Association in Luxembourg (DSAiL)

  • Association Luxembourgeoise des Etudiants en Médecine (ALEM)

  • Yearly National PhD Welcome Day: information to be confirmed

  • Yearly University of Luxembourg Life Sciences PhD Days: information to be confirmed

b. International opportunities

PhD candidates will be encouraged to actively participate in international scientific conferences by giving oral or poster presentations on their research work. Short research stays abroad are foreseen for certain PhD projects.

2. Mandatory and optional training opportunities

i2TRON  training activities:  mandatory  optional

The i2TRON training programme is composed of mandatory and optional training. PhD candidates can choose among the optional training opportunities according to their training needs and career goal. 

Training opportunities include, but are not limited to:

  • Regular i2TRON scientific seminars 

  • Annual i2TRON retreats

  • Journal clubs

  • Interdisciplinary clinical research meetings 

  • the LIH Lectures series (e.g. in Cancer Research, in Infection & immunity) 

  • LCSB lecture series on career opportunities for PhD holders 

  • Career orientation workshops 

3. Further support 

The DTU is managed by a scientific coordinator, Prof Rejko Krüger, and two co-coordinators, Prof Simone Niclou and Prof Markus Ollert. 

A dedicated DTU administrator acts as a direct contact person for the PhD candidates. LIH also has a support unit for doctoral training-related matters.