i2TRON - PhD Training Program

Governance structure & Scientific Advisory Board

The translational nature of this doctoral training unit (DTU) is reflected in the governance structure by the interdisciplinary coordinator panel composed of Prof. Rejko Krüger (Neurologist and Neuroscientist specialized in neurodegeneration research), Prof. Markus Ollert (Dermatologist, Allergologist, and Immunologist, specialised in inflammation and allergy research), and Prof. Simone Niclou (basic/translational scientist specialized in neuro-oncology and cancer research). 

The DTU is operated by the Executive Committee and the Quality Framework for Doctoral Training (QFDT) Committees, providing key scientific and administrative input.


The Executive Committee is the primary decision-making body of the DTU. It is composed as followed:

  • Prof Rejko Krüger, DTU Coordinator

  • Prof Markus Ollert, DTU Co-Coordinator

  • Prof Simone Niclou, DTU Co-Coordinator 

  • Prof Dirk  Brenner, DTU lead work package 1

  • Dr Elisabeth Letellier, DTU lead work package 2

  • Prof Anne Grünewald, DTU lead work package 3

  • DTU PhD student representatives: Guilherme Ramos Meyers & Agnieszka Demczuk  

The Executive Committee will be supported by an external Scientific Advisory Board (SAB). The SAB includes high-ranking international experts from each of the thematic areas in this DTU: 

  1. Prof Gilles Favre, Professor of Biochemistry and Medical Biology at the University of Toulouse and Director of the Cancer Research Center of Toulouse (CRCT), which is part of the Toulouse University Cancer Institute-Oncopole (IUCT-Oncopole).  IUCT-Oncopole combines patient care and research activities at the same site and represents a model for translational research. CRCT is a translational research center. 

  2. Prof Michael Platten, Department of Neurology and Mannheim Center for Translational Neurosciences, Chairman & Professor of Neurology, Medical Faculty and University Hospital Mannheim, Heidelberg University and German Cancer Research Center. His research focus is on the control of CNS autoimmunity and immunotherapeutic approaches to brain tumors.

  3. Prof Carsten Bindslev-Jensen, Department of Dermatology and Allergy Center, Odense Research Centre for Anaphylaxis, Odense University Hospital, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark. Prof. Bindslev-Jensen and his team are amongst the leading centers worldwide in clinical-translational research on allergic diseases. He has ample experience in leading all levels of clinical studies, including first-in-human phase 1 clinical trials.

  4. Dr Rebecca Ludwig, EATRIS, European Infastructure for translational medicine, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Dr Rebecca Ludwig is a training expert designing training activites including summer schools, e-learnings and virtual courses in translational research for a wide range of audiences.


The QFDT committee ensures compliance with the National Quality Framework for Doctoral Training and exchanges on administrative aspects of the DTU. It is composed of: 

  • Dr Malou Fraiture (PhD training coordinator, LIH) 

  • Dr Iris Egner (DTU administrator/project manager, LIH) 

  • Bianca Dragomir (DTU project officer, LIH)

  • Magali Guillaume (administrator of the doctoral programme DP-SMB/DSSE, UL)

  • Jessica Giro (a member of the Office of Doctoral Studies, UL) 

  • Dr Fay Betsou (scientific advisor/project coordinator, LNS)

  • Dr Nancy De Bremaeker (Head of the Medical Education and Research Unit)