Dr Valery Bocquet
Biostatistician at LIH since 2008, Dr Bocquet has essentially worked on projects using medico-administrative databases where each insured patient has several ambulatory prescription records. Since measures are repeated, the methodology used is either mixed or GEE models. His other activities concerned the statistical analyses on data from questionnaires. More recent projects deal with statistical analyses in biomechanics domain and on injuries of football players.
His external collaborations are broad and include the “ZithaKlinik”, the University of Luxembourg, the “Laboratoires Réunis” in Luxembourg, the University of Lille II as well as the University of Bobigny in France.
Research projects
- RNC: National Cancer Registry, launched in May 2013. Funded by the Ministry of Health, the NCR aimed at providing standardised patient data to reliably follow cancer incidence, prevalence and patient survival in Luxembourg. Dr Sophie Couffignal is the project leader (Department of Public Health, LIH), Biostatistician.
- CLUE-PD: seed project funded by the NCER- PD (publicly funded National Centre of Excellence in Research on Parkinson’s Disease) the project aim at detecting environmental correlates with Parkinson disease prevalence by using geo-spatial statistical analyses, Biostatistician
- EHES-LUX - European Health Examination Survey in Luxembourg, 2013-2015 (since 2015). Project co-funded by the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Higher Education and Research.Memolingua (project on neuro-degenerative diseases associated with ageing, such as Alzheimer's) whose project leader is Dr Magali Perquin (Department of Public Health, LIH), Biostatistician.
- Project on Benzodiazepines (Predictors of Benzodiazepine High-dose Use) with Dr Jean-Marc Cloos (ZithaKlinik) , Biostatistician.
- Project on early school leaving with Dr Pascale Esch (University of Luxembourg), Biostatistician.
- Several projects with “Laboratoires Réunis”, Biostatistician.
- Projects with Grégory Dupont (University of Lille II) , Biostatistician
Valery bocquet
1A-B, rue Thomas Edison
L-1445 Strassen
Tel. : +352 26 970 763
Featured Publications
Benzodiazepine high-doses: The need for an accurate definition.
- Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
Estimated visceral adiposity is associated with risk of cardiometabolic conditions in a population based study.
- Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics