Myriam Alexandre


Myriam Alexandre joined LIH in January 2013. As Senior Clinical Research Associate, she gained experience in  supporting investigators in the conduct of clinical trials developed by pharmaceutical companies or by clinical investigators.

Her responsibilities included the management of submissions to ‘Comité National d’Ethique et de Recherche’ and to the Ministry of Health during the start-up phase of the clinical trials, as well as supporting hospitals and sponsors to put in place financial agreements in the regulatory framework.

Appointed Clinical Research Manager in 2015, she now develops and coordinates the activities of a team composed of nurses and Clinical Research Associates to conduct clinical trials and epidemiological studies. 

Research projects

  • Academic projects: Promotion and support of local projects, support to research teams to consolidate experimental findings through quality-assured clinical research involving patients and healthy individuals.
  • Projects with pharmaceutical companies: conducting of trials developed by pharmaceutical companies by assisting sponsors in regulatory tasks and providing all logistical support to investigators.
  • Promotion of clinical research in Luxembourg
Myriam Alexandre

1A-B, rue Thomas Edison
L-1445 Strassen
Tel. : +352 26 970 855

Featured Publications

An open-label randomized controlled trial of the effect of lopinavir/ritonavir, lopinavir/ritonavir plus IFN-beta-1a and hydroxychloroquine in hospitalized patients with COVID-19.

  • Clinical and Epidemiological Investigation Center
May 26, 2021
2021 May. Clin Microbiol Infect. Online ahead of print.
  • Ader F
  • Peiffer-Smadja N
  • Poissy J
  • Bouscambert-Duchamp M
  • Belhadi D
  • Diallo A
  • Delmas C
  • Saillard J
  • Dechanet A
  • Mercier N
  • Dupont A
  • Alfaiate T
  • Lescure FX
  • Raffi F
  • Goehringer F
  • Kimmoun A
  • Jaureguiberry S
  • Reignier J
  • Nseir S
  • Danion F
  • Clere-Jehl R
  • Bouiller K
  • Navellou JC
  • Tolsma V
  • Cabié A
  • Dubost C
  • Courjon J
  • Leroy S
  • Mootien J
  • Gaci R
  • Mourvillier B
  • Faure E
  • Pourcher V
  • Gallien S
  • Launay O
  • Lacombe K
  • Lanoix JP
  • Makinson A
  • Martin-Blondel G
  • Bouadma L
  • Botelho-Nevers E
  • Gagneux-Brunon A
  • Epaulard O
  • Piroth L
  • Wallet F
  • Richard JC
  • Reuter J
  • Staub T
  • Lina B
  • Noret M
  • Andrejak C
  • Lê MP
  • Peytavin G
  • Hites M
  • Costagliola D
  • Yazdanpanah Y
  • Burdet C
  • Mentré F
  • DisCoVeRy study group (Alexandre M as collaborator for Luxembourg).

Repurposed antiviral drugs for Covid-19 - Interim WHO Solidarity trial results.

  • Clinical and Epidemiological Investigation Center
February 11, 2021
2021 Feb. N Engl J Med.384(6):497-511. Epub 2020 Dec 2.
  • WHO Solidarity trial consortium (Alexandre M. as Trial investigator for Luxembourg)
  • Pan H
  • Peto R
  • Henao-Restrepo AM
  • Preziosi MP
  • Sathiyamoorthy V
  • Abdool Karim Q
  • Alejandria MM
  • Hernandez Garcia C
  • Kieny MP
  • Malekzadeh R
  • Murthy S
  • Reddy KS
  • Roses Periago M
  • Abi Hanna P
  • Ader F
  • Al-Bader AM
  • Alhasawi A
  • Allum E
  • Alotaibi A
  • Alvarez-Moreno CA
  • Appadoo S
  • Asiri A
  • Aukrust P
  • Barratt-Due A
  • Bellani S
  • Branca M
  • Cappel-Porter HBC
  • Cerrato N
  • Chow TS
  • Como N
  • Eustace J
  • Garcia PJ
  • Godbole S
  • Gotuzzo E
  • Griskevicius L
  • Hamra R
  • Hassan M
  • Hassany M
  • Hutton D
  • Irmansyah I
  • Jancoriene L
  • Kirwan J
  • Kumar S
  • Lennon P
  • Lopardo G
  • Lydon P
  • Magrini N
  • Maguire T
  • Manevska S
  • Manuel O
  • McGinty S
  • Medina MT
  • Mesa Rubio ML
  • Miranda-Montoya MC
  • Nel J
  • Nunes EP
  • Perola M
  • Portoles A
  • Rasmin MR
  • Raza A
  • Rees H
  • Reges PPS
  • Rogers CA
  • Salami K
  • Salvadori MI
  • Sinani N
  • Sterne JAC
  • Stevanovikj M
  • Tacconelli E
  • Tikkinen KAO
  • Trelle S
  • Zaid H
  • Rottingen JA
  • Swaminathan S.
See all publications