Terms & Conditions | Data Privacy

Terms & Conditions

The website https://www.lih.lu/ (referred to below as the "Site" is operated by Luxembourg Institute of Health (LIH) (referred to below as "we") a public institute having its registered office at:

1A-B rue Thomas Edison 
L-1445 Strassen
Tel: + 352 26 970-1
Publication Director: Juliette Pertuy

General terms and conditions of useCookies Policy

General terms and conditions of use

🇫🇷 Version française : Conditions générales d’utilisation
🇩🇪 Deutsche Fassung: Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen für die Nutzung

The present terms and conditions (the "Terms and Conditions") govern the use of the Site. Users of the Site (referred to below as "you") are invited to read these Terms and Conditions thoroughly before browsing on the Site.

By accessing the Site, you agree to be bound automatically by the Terms and Conditions. Therefore, if you do not agree with the Terms and Conditions, you must stop using this Site. We invite you to regularly consult the Terms and Conditions of this Site as they might change from time to time at our sole discretion. If you do not agree with any change made to the Terms and Conditions, you must stop using this Site.

You acknowledge that you have verified that your computer configuration used does not contain any viruses or any other malicious software and that it operates perfectly.

You are solely responsible for the selection, use and interpretation of the data which you consult, search and transmit on the Internet.

By accessing and navigating this Site, you accept the following conditions:

Contents of the Site

We shall not be held responsible for the presence of viruses or malicious software on our Site. We reserve the right to correct the content of this Site at any time and without notice. We undertake all efforts to offer available and verified information and/or resources to you, but cannot be held responsible for errors, a lack of availability or invalid character of the information. Under no circumstances can the information contained on this Site constitute a warranty in the case of administrative or commercial errors. For further information, please contact us directly.

Should you discover inaccuracies, erroneous information or information of a clearly unlawful nature you are invited to inform the Communication department hereof ().

Web design and development

The present Site was created by Acsone & Globule Bleu.

Use of hyperlinks

This Site includes information made available by hyperlinks to other Sites, which have not been developed by us. We shall under no circumstances be liable for hyperlinks to other sites from this Site. The existence of a link from this Site to another site shall not constitute any acquiescence or warranty on our part of with respect to contents or any person who runs such other site.

The creation of hyperlinks to this Site shall be subject to our explicit prior approval.

Intellectual property

All the content and data available or appearing on this Site including texts, drawings, photographic pictures, video and sound samples, logos, icons, and technological blueprint are our property or under licence and/or subject to copyright. Unless otherwise indicated, reproduction of texts from this Site for non-commercial purposes is permitted, subject to the following three conditions being met:

  • free dissemination;

  • respect for the integrity of the reproduced documents: no modification or alteration of any kind;

  • explicit mention of the Site https://www.lih.lu/ as a source and statement that the rights of reproduction are reserved and limited.

Any exception to these rules shall be subject to our prior written approval and the author of the contents. Photographic credits: unless otherwise stated, the photographs on this Site are protected by copyright and are our property.


You accept that any access to the Site or any use of the Site shall be on your own responsibility.

We decline all liability for direct or indirect damage which may be caused by the use of the Site, particularly in relation to an interruption to or cessation of the operation of the Site or a dysfunction of the Site which may result in particular from a shutdown for maintenance or upgrading of our computer system, technical faults or network overloads, faults in telephone lines, errors, negligence or misdemeanours by suppliers of Internet services or by a third party, or a virus acquired via the Internet.

Luxembourg law and courts

Navigation on the Site is subject to the law of Luxembourg.

The courts of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg courts are competent to pronounce a ruling with respect to any disputes which may arise relating to the use, interpretation and implementation of the information and data featured on this Site.


All enquiries to us can be made at:

You acknowledge that you have taken note of this legal notice and undertake to observe it.

Cookies Policy

🇫🇷 Version française : Politique relative aux cookies
🇩🇪 Deutsche Fassung: Cookie-Richtlinie

What is a cookie?

This Site uses ‘cookies’ and similar tools. Cookies are small text files that are placed and stored on your computer or mobile device when you visit a website. Cookies are widely used in order to make websites work, improve the navigation experience and provide information to the owners of the site.

Type of cookies used

Technical and functional cookies

The cookies in this category are used to check the technical settings of your browser and to record your preferences as identified during a previous visit to the Site. Their purpose is to ensure you enjoy an optimal experience.

For example, we will record your decision to accept our use of cookies on the Site, so that the question will not be raised every time you visit the Site.

These cookies are essential to the functioning of our Site. They enable you to use the main website features. Without these cookies, you will not be able to enjoy normal use of our Site.

Audience measurement cookies

The cookies in this category enable us to analyse how visitors browse our Site. Thanks to these data, we are able to better understand how our Site is used, in particular based on visitor profiles, how they reached the Site (direct access, via a search engine, etc.), what pages they search, how long they stay on the website, etc. Accordingly, we are able to optimise and improve the Site and services offered.

This Site uses Google Analytics, a website analysis service provided by Google Inc. (“Google”), to analyse how you engage with our website and with a view to improving it.

For further information, you can view Google’s Privacy Policy and find out how you can opt out of Google Analytics via your browser.

Social cookies

So-called “social” cookies are linked to the services provided by third parties, such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.

Social cookies are only stored if you decide to click on the available social platform buttons.

We have no control over the process used by social networks to gather information related to your browsing of our website and linked to the personal data in their possession. We invite you to check the data protection policies implemented by these social networks in order to understand the intended purpose, in particular of a promotional nature, of the browsing information they are able to collect through these application buttons. These data protection policies should enable you to exercise your choices in these social networks, in particular by adjusting the settings of your user accounts for each of these networks.

Your choices concerning cookies

You may choose to configure your browser to accept all cookies, reject all cookies, notify you when cookies are issued, provide you with information on their period of validity and content, enable you to refuse to store the cookies on your device, and delete your cookies regularly.

You can set your Internet browser to deactivate cookies. However, you should bear in mind that if you deactivate cookies, some of our Site features (and even some websites as a whole) will no longer work properly.

How to configure your browser

For more information on the methods enabling you to delete and control the cookies stored on your computer, consult the following website:  http://www.allaboutcookies.org/

Alternatively, consult your browser’s help sections: Chrome | Internet Explorer | Firefox | Safari

Give or withdraw consent

When you visit our Site for the first time, you are informed of the use of cookies via an information statement. If you continue your browsing on the Site after reading this statement, we assume that you agreed to the placing and use of cookies, in compliance with applicable laws and regulations. However, this decision can be reversed at any time by opposing the use of cookies via your Internet browser settings.
