Science Office

Our mission

The mission of the science office is to actively manage science across the LIH. The office aims to create at LIH a cooperative working environment and optimal framework conditions where scientists are able to produce excellent research and innovation. The tasks of the SO are organized around five main pillars, including:

Organization of science activity within LIH
  • Manage science across the LIH’s decision bodies, departments and administrative services

  • Organise science exchange within the LIH

  • Promote scientific excellence and proper application of LIH’s R&D policies

  • Maintain and develop relations with national and international research stakeholders

Planning and implementation of the scientific strategy

The SO’s main role in the strategy finding process consists in:

  • Assisting the LIH board in the planning and implementation of the institutional scientific strategy

  • Accompanying strategy development and implementation processes within LIH

  • Implementing a sustainable research funding approach and support the exploitation of R&D opportunities

  • Monitoring the implementation of the LIH strategy, scientific outcomes and KPIs

The initiation of new scientific projects

The SO supports the implementation of the LIH strategy on the individual project level by:

  • Stimulating participation in national and international competitive funding calls

  • Promoting and supporting transversal projects across research departments

  • Providing information about national and international funding opportunities and application guidelines

  • Providing support for the preparation and submission of project proposals

Management of ongoing scientific projects

The SO supports the successful conduct of ongoing projects by:

  • Coordinating and managing the LIH’s research project portfolio along the project life cycle

  • Documenting key steps of the project life cycle

  • Monitoring the scientific output of the projects

Valorization of science

  • Valorise knowledge capital by identifying and developing research capacities within the institution on the human, methodological and technological level

  • Promote visibility of LIH and public understanding of our activities while ensuring the reputation for integrity and reliability of the institution

  • Support the implementation of an efficient scientific communication aiming at improving the national and international visibility of the institute

  • Coordinate doctoral training activities in adherence to the principles of the quality framework for doctoral training

Head of Science Office

In 2018, Dr Frank Glod was appointed head of Science Office at the Luxembourg Institute of Health.


FRank Glod


1A-B, rue Thomas Edison
L-1445 Strassen
Tel. : +352 26 970

Team members

  • Malou Fraiture, PhD, PhD training coordinator

  • Zuhal Kaya, Administrative Project Coordinator

  • Jo Schroeder, Project Manager

  • Jasmin Schulz, PhD, Strategic Program Officer

  • Laurent Vallar, PhD, Scientific Program Officer