Dr Manon Gantenbein


As Head of the Clinical and Epidemiological Investigation Center, Dr Manon Gantenbein is responsible for the organisation and daily management of the unit and defines its development strategy and main scope of clinical research activities in consultation with his/her team (develop long-term targets, scientific and operational l objectives, draft projects to obtain research contracts, etc.).

Her responsibilities include the preparation and discussion of the research group’s annual budget, project assignment and supervision, the setup of collaborations with pharmaceutical industry and other national or international partners and obtaining contractual or competitive funding. She supervises the CIEC staff by providing guidance on the proper conduct of clinical studies according to national and international requirements, and follows-up on projects as well as on resource assignments and budget. She further develops and implements the CIEC strategy and takes part in collaborations with other laboratories internally and in exchanges with stakeholders (Ministries, National Research Fund (FNR), Hospitals, Pharmaceutical Industry, Uni Luxembourg, LIST, IBBL, etc.) and acts as project leader in clinical research projects of the CIEC (NCER-PD).

She is the contact person for the academic (institutions, clinicians, etc.) and industrial sponsors of research projects, focusing on project feasibility and new clinical research projects set up.

Research projects

  • Academic research projects - Investigator Initiated trials: CIEC promotes and supports local projects, and help research teams to consolidate experimental findings through quality-assured clinical research involving patients and healthy individuals.
  • Pharmaceutical company’s clinical research projects - pharma driven trials: CIEC also conducts trials developed by pharmaceutical companies by assisting sponsors in regulatory tasks and providing all logistical support to the investigators at the clinical sites performing the research.
  • National and international scientific collaboration networks in clinical research (National Cancer Plan, Centre François Baclesse, NCER- PD (publicly funded National Centre of Excellence in Research on Parkinson’s Disease) Clinical Steering Committee and LIH representative in the Centre-PD Management and Steering Committee (EU H2020 TWINNING for a Comprehensive Clinical Centre for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Parkinson’s Disease), WORLDWIDE INNOVATIVE NETWORK (WIN) Consortium, European Clinical Research Iinfrastructure Network (ECRIN), .…)
  • Exchange of competences, host clinical research trainees in the context of collaborations, representation of the unit at the national and international level, and organization of colloquiums and congresses and activities aiming at raising public awareness and promoting clinical research in Luxembourg (Annual GCP trainings, www.luxclin.lu, CIEC Open Doors Days, JRM: Annual Medical Research Day - www.jrm.lu, training and teaching, SEMPER Clinical Research Column)
Manon Gantenbein


1A-B, rue Thomas Edison
L-1445 Strassen
Tel. : +352 26 970 807

Featured Publications

Whey- and soy protein isolates added to a carrot-tomato juice alter carotenoid bioavailability in healthy adults.

  • Clinical and Epidemiological Investigation Center
October 31, 2021
2021 Oct. Antioxidants.10(11):1748.
  • Iddir M
  • Pittois D
  • Guignard C
  • Weber B
  • Gantenbein M
  • Larondelle Y
  • Bohn T.

Vivre pendant et après un cancer. In Rapport national du cancer au Grand-Duché de Luxembourg 2020. (Book Chapter)

  • Clinical and Epidemiological Investigation Center
February 01, 2021
2021 Feb. Luxembourg: Ministère de la Santé – Direction de la Santé, 2021. p.148-162. ISBN NA.
  • Bendiane MK
  • Couffignal S
  • Gantenbein M
  • Goetzinger C
  • Huiart L
  • Samouda H.
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