Dr Sophie Couffignal


Dr Couffignal is a medical doctor and an epidemiologist. She is the associate head of the Epidemiology and Public Health Research Unit (EPHRU). She provides advice on methodological and epidemiological aspects for public health projects conducted by the unit.  The National Data Protection Committee has accredited her as a responsible for data protection within the L.I.H.

She is the operational director of the National Cancer Registry (NCR), launched in May 2013. Funded by the Ministry of Health, the NCR was implemented in close collaboration with hospitals, clinicians and other key actors in the country. It is aimed at providing standardised patient data to reliably follow cancer incidence, prevalence and patient survival in Luxembourg. It will allow health care professionals and public health authorities to measure the quality of health care provided to cancer patients as well as to promote prevention campaigns and cancer screening.  The NCR has been designed as a high quality level resource for the benefit of the patients, the health professionals, the policy makers and the scientific community.

National Cancer Registry website: http://www.rnc.lu

Research projects

  • “Living in Luxembourg after a stroke: impact on patients, their families and their quality of life. Equality of access to care and social resources”. Promoter: Prof. Michèle Baumann (INSIDE research Unit / University of Luxembourg). Funded by FNR (CORE project). (2007, feasibility study, 2008-2011 main project)
  • “Evaluation de la prise en charge en petite unité de vie de personnes souffrant d’une neuro-dépendance”. Funded by: Cellule d’Evaluation et d’Orientation de l’Assurance Dépendance.  (2010).
  • “Evaluation de la mise en œuvre d’une garde de nuit pour personnes relevant de l’Assurance Dépendance (PAEX-Garde de nuit) “. Funded by: Cellule d’Evaluation et d’Orientation de l’Assurance Dépendance.  (2009-2011)
  • “Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC)”, WHO survey. Funded by the Ministry of Health. Every 4 years. (2006, 2010)
sophie couffignal


1A-B, rue Thomas Edison
L-1445 Strassen
Tel. : +352 26 970 742

Featured Publications

European Health Interview Survey (EHIS): Méthodologie de l’étude - 3ème vague 2019 (Factsheet)

  • Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
September 01, 2021
2021 Sep. Luxembourg: Ministère de la Santé – Direction de la Santé , Luxembourg Institute of Health, 2021. 2 p.
  • Le Coroller G
  • Ruiz-Castell M
  • Debacker M
  • Couffignal S.
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