Dr Olivier Collignon


Dr Olivier Collignon is statistics consultant for researchers at LIH and external groups.

He is currently seconded at the European Medicines Agency in London, where he scientifically evaluates the design and results of clinical trials to obtain marketing authorization of new drugs in Europe.

His expertise also consists in developing variable selection algorithms and supervised classi­fication methods to help biologists ­finding new biomarkers and risk factors of different diseases, especially in cardiology. Dr Collignon started a joint work with the University of Seoul and with the Netherlands Cancer Institute to develop a new variable selection method that is being validated on breast cancer biomarkers.

Dr Collignon is involved in the National Cancer Registry of Luxembourg for which he is in charge of data analysis for epidemiologic studies.  

He is also enrolled in various teaching activities.

Research projects

  • IDEAL 
  • Registre National de Cancer
  • Biomarker research for cardiovascular diseases
  • Mortality trends of cancers in Europe
  • Variable selection methods
Olivier Collignon


1A-B, rue Thomas Edison
L-1445 Strassen
Tel. : +352 26 970 775