Torsten Bohn
Nutrition is an important life-style factor associated with health, well-being, and diseases. For example, the consumption of various micronutrients and secondary plant compounds within fruits and vegetables has been associated with the risk of diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and certain types of cancer. Together with internal partners (e.g. CIEC) and external collaborators (EU Cost Actions) we strive to study the relation of micronutrient/secondary plant compound intake, their digestion and bioavailability, and their relation to markers of health and disease such as inflammation and oxidative stress, also looking for novel biomarkers (e.g. via proteomics, genomics). We also host the Int J Vit Nutr Res.
Research projects
Bioavailability of phytochemicals (carotenoids)
Relation of micronutrients and phytochemicals and chronic diseases
Metabolism of carotenoid and polyphenols
Digestion of micronutrients and secondary plant compounds
Diet and health
Featured Publications
Dietary intake of adult residents in Luxembourg taking part in two cross-sectional Studies-ORISCAV-LUX (2007–2008) and ORISCAV-LUX 2 (2016–2017).
- Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics
1A-B, rue Thomas Edison
L-1445 Strassen
Tel. : +352 26 970 394