Dritan Bejko
Dritan Bejko ‘s main activities are centred on developing study protocols, obtaining ethical approval, data collection, quality control and monitoring, data validation, analysis and reporting for the following projects:
- Evaluating the use of Semi-automatic defibrillators by professional firefighters in case of an extra-hospital cardiac arrest in the city of Luxembourg.
- Setting up an Injury surveillance system in the Emergency Departments of Luxembourg’s hospitals (project Retrace REcueil d’informations sur les TRAumatismes et ACcidents au Luxembourg www.RETRACE.lu). This project is part of the Joint action in monitoring injuries in Europe (JAMIE project) a larger European level program.
He has been appointed member of the Advisory Board of the European Injury Data Base Network since from September 2015, and is part of the Luxembourg’s team for the World’s Health Organization collaborative study ‘ Health Behaviour of School Aged Children’ (HBSC-study)
Research projects
- Injury surveillance in the framework of a common hospital-based surveillance system for injury prevention in operation in all European member states.
- http://ec.europa.eu/health/data_collection/databases/idb/network/index_en.htm
- Health Behaviour in School-Aged Children a cross-national study gaining insight into young people's well-being, health behaviours and their social context. This research collaboration with the WHO Regional Office for Europe is conducted every four years in 44 countries and regions across Europe and North America.
- Collaborating with Luxembourg’s Resuscitation Council for setting up of an extra-hospital cardiac arrest register in Luxembourg as part of a larger European cardiac arrest registry.
- Collaborating in the Oriscav-LUX 2 study the on-going cardiovascular health monitoring programme in Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg.
Dritan Bejko
1A-B, rue Thomas Edison
L-1445 Strassen
Tel. : +352 26 970 888
Featured Publications
Rapport national du cancer au Grand-Duché de Luxembourg 2020. (Book)
- Clinical and Epidemiological Investigation Center
2021 Feb. Luxembourg: Ministère de la Santé – Direction de la Santé, 2021. 213 p. ISBN NA.