WEBINAR: Lecture series Infection & Immunity: "Transcriptional and metabolic regulation of long-term T cell responses in chronic infection"- Prof Axel Kallies
05/11/2020 09:00 to 05/11/2020 10:15 (Europe/Luxembourg)
Prof Axel Kallies is Head of Molecular Immunology Laboratory, The University of Melbourne, Honorary Principal Fellow, The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research, Senior NHMRC Research Fellow.

Antigen-specific CD8+ T cells in chronic viral infections and in tumours functionally deteriorate, a process known as exhaustion. We and others have shown that exhausted T cell responses are sustained by a subset of precursors of exhausted (TPEX) cells that self-renew while continuously generating exhausted effector T (TEX) cells. However, it remains poorly understood how TPEX cells maintain their proliferative potential and functionality. Here, we explore the molecular and metabolic regulation of T cell differentiation during chronic infection and demonstrate that TPEX cells in response to high amounts of antigen are the first to acquire features of exhaustion, which they propagate to their effector T cell progeny. Furthermore, we show that TPEX in contrast to TEX cells exhibited superior metabolic characteristics, including mitochondrial fitness, including active oxidative phosphorylation and high spare respiratory capacity, and explore mechanisms that preserve cellular metabolism and thus contribute to the maintenance of long-term T cell responses during chronic infection.
About the Lecture & Workshop series - Infection & Immunity
The LIH Lecture Series and Workshops in Infection and Immunity, supported by the FNR, are gathering internationally recognised speakers to address topics around Infection and Immunity. Lectures will be organised, followed by workshops especially dedicated to early-stage researchers. Please find here the programme for 2020.
Attendance to the lectures and workshops are free of charge. Should you be interested in registering for the workshops, please feel free to do so by sending us an email.