WEBINAR: Lecture series Cancer Research: "Die or live trying - Cellular agony in anticancer immunity" - Prof Lorenzo Galluzzi

17/12/2020 15:00 to 17/12/2020 16:15 (Europe/Luxembourg)


Prof Lorenzo Galluzzi is Assistant Professor: Weill Cornell Medical College
Honorary Assistant Professor: Yale School of Medicine, Université de Paris
Editor in Chief: OncoImmunology, Molecular and Cellular Oncology, Methods in Cell Biology, International Review of Cell and Molecular Biology
Faculty: University of Ferrara Graduate School (Ferrara, IT),
University of Padova Graduate School (Padova, IT), University of Roma
“La Sapienza” Graduate School (Roma, IT).


The ability of dying cancer cells to initiate anticancer immune responses critically depends on the emission of chemotactic and immunostimulatory factors. However, multiple mechanisms are in place for limiting the immunogenicity of dying cells, including (but not limited to): the intracellular degradation of endogenous molecules that drive danger signaling (such as mitochondrial DNA) as well as the rapid inactivation/disassembly of cells that have committed to die but are still metabolically active. In line with this notion, pharmacological and genetic interventions that prolongs “cellular agony” boost the capacity of dying breast cancer cells to drive anticancer immunity in mice, and genetic signatures of improved cellular homeostasis are associated with poor tumor infiltration by immune cells in patients with breast cancer from public datasets.

In summary, cellular agony supports the immunogenicity of cancer cells by extending their capacity to productively engage with the immune system.



15:00 - 16:15 : webinar

Link to Webinar          

Event number: 174 484 9759

Event password: pB3VpJ5QM5p

About the Lecture & Workshop series - CANCER RESEARCH

The LIH lecture and workshops series in Cancer Research, supported by the FNR and jointly organized with the University of Luxembourg, are gathering internationally recognised speakers to address topics around Cancer Research during 2020. Please find here the current programme for 2020.

These lectures will be followed by a workshop especially dedicated to early-stage researchers.

Attendance to the lecture and workshop are free of charge.


From 17/12/2020 15:00
To 17/12/2020 16:15