Seminar - Data Protection in Financial Technology (FinTech), Insurance and Medical Services: a new regulation and perspectives

30/09/2016 09:00 to 01/10/2016 17:00 (Europe/Luxembourg)

Luxembourg, Luxembourg


The Union Internationale des Avocats with the support of Mr. Xavier BETTEL, Prime Minister of Luxembourg and the collaboration of the
Luxembourg Bar Association, Luxinnovation, Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce, the CNPD, ACA,ABBL, the Business Club France Luxembourg and the Luxembourg Institut Universitaire International organizes a seminar on "Data Protection in Financial Technology (FinTech),
Insurance, and Medical Services: New Regulation and Perspectives"

This event, which will take place on 30 September and 1 October 2016 at European Court of Justice will gather professionals from financial, insurance and medical sector, will deal with the necessity of protecting personal data under current legislation.

Catherine Larue, CEO of LIH and Marc Vandelaer, CEO of IBBL, will be part of the panelists to talk about the use of medical data for medical prevention.

More info here

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Ticket Type End of Registration Price Quantity
Unlimited Free


Boulevard Konrad Adenauer Kirchberg
    Luxembourg 2925


From 30/09/2016 09:00
To 01/10/2016 17:00


Luxembourg Institute of Health
+352 26 970
+352 26 970 719