Lecture Series Translational Bioinformatics & Systems Biomedicine - "SYSTEMS-LEVEL MODELING BETWEEN BIOCURATION, PREDICTIONS AND VALIDATIONS"- Prof Ioannis Xenarios
30/11/2017 16:00 to 30/11/2017 18:30 (Europe/Luxembourg)
Prof Ioannis XENARIOS is Director Swiss-Prot & Vital-IT group, SIB- Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics, Center for Integrative Genomics, University of Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland .
In silico modeling how cells react, respond to its genetics and its environment is certainly a great vision of the computational field. The ability to mix different type of expertises ranging from biocuration to computational system modeler is also a way to establish a map of our current knowledge but also identifying the lack off it (in most cases). The presentation will take a tour between constructing knowledge executable model and using these to predict and ultimately validate the discovery made by these models. The model is based on the tumor microenvironment and the ability to transform and revert certain cellular phenotypes.
16.00 - 17.00: LECTURE
University of Luxembourg
Maison du Savoir
Room 2.230
17.00 - 18.30: 'meet THE SPEAKER'
University of Luxembourg
Maison du Savoir
Room 2.220
Registration required for the 'Meet the Speaker' - send us an email
The LIH lecture and workshops series in Translational Bioinformatics and Systems Biomedicine, supported by the FNR and jointly organized with the University of Luxembourg, are gathering internationally recognised speakers to address topics around Translational Bioinformatics and Systems Biomedicine. Please find here the full programme for 2017-2018.
This lecture will be followed by a workshop especially dedicated to early-stage researchers.
Attendance to the lecture and workshop are free of charge. Should you be interested in registering for the workshop, please feel free to do so by sending us an email.