Lecture Series "Infection & Immunity" - Prof Henning Walczak - "LINEAR UBIQUITINATION, CELL DEATH, INFLAMMATION AND BEYOND"
07/12/2017 13:20 to 07/12/2017 14:20 (Europe/Luxembourg)
Prof Henning WALCZAK is Head of Research Department of Cancer Biology, Scientific Director of the CRUK-UCL Cancer Centre, Chair, Centre for Cell Death, Cancer and Inflammation (CCCI), London, United Kingdom .
Research in the Walczak Laboratory is focused on cell death and ubiquitin in inflammation, cancer and immunity. The lab is particularly interested in unravelling the mechanisms on how different death receptor-ligand systems such as the TNF and TRAIL systems are regulated and how they impact cancer cell survival, cancer-related inflammation and immunity. The research aims are to develop novel cancer therapies by specifically inducing cancer cell death and by therapeutically directing the type of death induced in cancer cells to convert cancer-related inflammation from being immuneregulatory to enabling the immune system to recognise and kill cancer cells.
15:00 - 16:00 : LECTURE
University of Luxembourg
Maison du Savoir
(Auditorium 3.540)
2, rue de l'Université
L-4365 Esch-sur-Alzette
Registration required for the Lecture - send us an email.
About the Lecture & Workshop series - Infection & Immunity
The LIH Lecture Series and Workshops in Infection and Immunity, supported by the FNR, are gathering internationally recognised speakers to address topics around Infection and Immunity. Twelve lectures will be organised in 2017, followed by workshops especially dedicated to early-stage researchers. Please find here the full programme for 2017.
Attendance to the lectures and workshops are free of charge. Should you be interested in registering for the workshops, please feel free to do so by sending us an email.