Lecture series Improving patient & population health through innovative e-health interventions: "New dimensions of design for user experience and evaluation in digital health" - Dr Joseph Cafazzo

30/09/2019 11:30 to 30/09/2019 14:00 (Europe/Luxembourg)

Luxembourg, Luxembourg

Dr Joseph Cafazzo

Wolfond Chair in Digital Health
Executive Director, Centre for Global eHealth Innovation,
University Health Network
Associate Professor, University of Toronto (Canada)



                  There continues to be no lack of perceived innovation in digital health
                  technologies. From virtual care to chronic disease management through
                  the use of common ubiquitous consumer electronics to more advanced
                  wearables, there appears to be great promise for a wide range of
                  applications for patients and providers alike.
                  Yet the adoption and uptake continue to be poor, with a paucity of
                  evidence that digital health interventions make any difference at all, and
                  may be just a distraction and creating a significant opportunity cost. The
                  blame for this poor adoption and uptake often lies at the feet of the
                  health system itself and not the technology innovators, with care
                  providers, administrators, and policy makers considered luddites that
                  cannot embrace the change that advanced technology brings. This
                  couldn’t be further from the truth though, as the health system adopts
                  the most advanced technologies in the diagnostic and therapeutic
                  There however remains a design gap that does not consider the
                  complexity of delivery of care as well is its heterogeneity. This design gap
                  is a blind spot for most technology innovators in digital health and
                  otherwise, that limits adoption, but also contributes to a reduced utility
                  of the technology and a poor user experience. Contemporary design
                  methods of framing products as services are one way to address this gap.
                  A case study in the design, development, and implementation of a heart
                  failure program facilitated through digital health will be presented.
                  Lastly, the appropriateness of evaluation methods in digital health will
                  be challenged, whereby a platform for rapid and novel study designs can
                  be crafted to match the intervention most appropriately..

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                  11.30 - 12.30: LECTURE

                  Centre Hospitalier de Luxembourg - Centre
                  4, rue Ernest Barblé
                  L-1210 Luxembourg

                  Room: Amphitheatre

                  12.45 - 14.00: meet THE SPEAKER*

                  Light snacks provided
                  LIH, 1A-B, rue Thomas Edison
                  L-1445 Strassen

                  Room: Curie/Pasteur (3rd floor)

                  *Registration is mandatory to meet the speaker - send us an email.

                  Host: LIH

                  Invited by: Prof Laetitia HUIART


                  4, rue Barblé
                      Luxembourg 1210


                  From 30/09/2019 11:30
                  To 30/09/2019 14:00


                  Luxembourg Institute of Health
                  +352 26 970
                  +352 26 970 719