Lecture series Improving patient & population health through innovative e-health interventions: "Managing the health care complexity through e-health development" - Dr Conceição Granja
01/04/2019 11:30 to 01/04/2019 14:00 (Europe/Luxembourg)
Presentation 01 April 2019 - Dr Conceição Granja:
"Managing the health care complexity through e-health development"
Speaker - Dr Conceição Granja
Senior Researcher at Norwegian Centre for e-health Research (Norway)
Health care complexity can be explained from different perspectives. Most solutions emphasize the use of e-health to manage health care and improve the quality of care. As a research topic, "health care complexity" includes the study of complex adaptive systems as healthcare organizations. The research is often multi-disciplinary, bringing together engineers, computer scientists, sociologists, economists, and other academic disciplines.
In the lecture, I will introduce key factors that can have a large impact in the complexity management and give an overview of how is this related with e-health development.
11.30 - 12.30: LECTURE
Centre Hospitalier de Luxembourg - Centre
4, rue Ernest Barblé
L-1210 Luxembourg
Room: Amphitheatre
12.45 - 14.00: meet THE SPEAKER*
Light snacks provided
LIH, 1A-B, rue Thomas Edison
L-1445 Strassen
Room: Curie/Pasteur (3rd floor)
*Registration is mandatory to meet the speaker - send us an email.
Host: LIH
Invited by: Prof Laetitia HUIART Department of Population Health