Lecture series Improving patient & population health through innovative e-health interventions "e-Health & e-Epidemiology: how to improve population health in the age of digital and artificial intelligence?" - Dr Guy Fagherazzi
17/12/2018 11:30 to 17/12/2018 14:00 (Europe/Luxembourg)
Presentation 17 December 2018 - Dr Guy Fagherazzi
Senior research scientist in digital epidemiology, Center of Research in Epidemiology and Population Health in Villejuif, France
e-Health is a constantly evolving field referring to the organization and delivery of health services and information using the Internet and related technologies such as smartphone apps, connected devices but also social media. Data generated online by an individual - which can be summarized under the concept of “digitosome” - constitutes, by the quantity and the variety of information it represents, a great potential to 1) deeply modify the way we practice epidemiology and public health and 2) improve population health. While epidemiology, as practiced today, will still continue to be practiced in the future, there is also a need to rethink how to optimally integrate these data to tackle current medical research challenges.
During this conference, Guy Fagherazzi will discuss the evolution of the field of epidemiology, present some key research initiatives combining innovative sources of information such as social media or connected devices with more traditional epidemiological and clinical data and will also illustrate how Artificial Intelligence methods can be leveraged in the context of population health research to help developing the future of public health studies and interventions.
11.30 - 12.30: LECTURE
Centre Hospitalier de Luxembourg - Centre
4, rue Ernest Barblé
L-1210 Luxembourg
Room: Amphitheatre
12.45 - 14.00: meet THE SPEAKER*
Light snacks provided
LIH, 1A-B, rue Thomas Edison
L-1445 Strassen
Room: Curie/Pasteur (3rd floor)
* Registration is mandatory to meet the speaker - send us an email.