Lecture - "Large scale to synthetic cell imaging" - Dr Auguste GENOVESIO
12/06/2019 14:15 to 12/06/2019 15:15 (Europe/Luxembourg)
Speaker - Dr Auguste GENOVESIO
Ecole Normale Supérieure, Institute of Biology (IBENS), INSERM Research Director
Group leader, Computational Bioimaging and Bioinformatic group, Paris, France
Auguste Genovesio studies cell morphology and dynamics at large scale. That is, extracting and combining information content from analysis of millions images of cells in various contexts. Applications of his work range from basic research such as development and neuroscience to drug discovery. He introduced radically novel approaches to quantify and demonstrate biological phenomena and actively participated in the development of miniaturized high-content screening technologies to promote phenotypic drug discovery. This talk will be an overview of some past successes using large scale image data and some exciting current work on tissue, deep learning and synthetic bioimaging.
Auguste Genovesio graduated in mathematics, computer science and artificial intelligence from Pierre & Marie Curie University and completed a PhD in computer vision in 2005 at the Pasteur Institute in Paris, France. Since then, he was group leader at Institut Pasteur Korea (Seoul, South Korea) and at the Broad Institute of MIT & Harvard (Cambridge, USA) then at Ecole Normale Supérieure (Paris, France) where he heads Computational Bioimaging & Bioinformatics research.
13:00 - 14:00 : LECTURE
Room: Amphitheatre
Invited by:
Dr Ulf Nehrbass