Journée Kiné 2016
01/06/2016 13:00 to 01/06/2016 17:00 (Europe/Luxembourg)
De l'évidence au traitement
The "Académie Luxembourgeoise de Médecine, de Kinésithérapie et des Sciences du Sport" is pleased to invite you to the upcoming
« De l’évidence au traitement »
Wednesday, 1 June 2016
at the amphitheater of CHL Luxembourg
1.00 p.m. Welcome of the participants and visit of fair booth
1.30 p.m. Opening by Patrick FEIEREISEN, PT.PhD.; CHL-Centre Moderator : Prof. Jan CABRI,PT.PhD.; LUNEX University, Luxembourg Prof.Daniel THEISEN, PT.PhD.; LIH, Sports Medicine Research Laboratory, Luxembourg
1.45 p.m. Scapular dyskinesis: current concepts in rehabilitation Danièle SCHAACK, PT.; CHL-Eich, Luxembourg
2.15 p.m. Traitement conservateur de la douleur fémoro-patellaire Gilles HENDEL, PT.; Bettembourg
2.45 p.m. Hamstring muscle injuries: in search of the Holy Grail Jean-Paul WEYDERT, PT.; CHL-Centre, Luxembourg
3.15 p.m. Coffee break and visit of fair booth
3.45 p.m. Prise en charge d’un patient polymorbide: où mettre les priorités Patrick FEIEREISEN, PT.PhD.; CHL-Centre, Luxembourg
4.15 p.m. Prise en charge kinésithérapique d’une PTG chez le patient gériatrique, Jean-Paul CHENNAUX, PT.; Centre de rééducation fonctionnelle gériatrique HIS, Steinfort
5.00 p.m. Closing
N.B. All presentations will be moderated in french
Free of charge. Register here!
Académie Luxembourgeoise de Médecine, de Kinésithérapie et des Sciences du Sport
The Luxembourgish Academy of Sports Medicine, Sports Physiotherapy and Sports Science is composed of LIH's Sport Medicine Research Laboratory (SMRL), the Luxembourg Society of Sports Physiotherapy (SLKS), the Luxembourgish Sports Medicine Society (SLMS), the Luxembourg Society of Research in Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine (SLROMS) and collaborates with the Sports Clinic of Centre Hospitalier de Luxembourg (CHL).
The events organised by the Academy are gathering internationally recognised speakers to address recent topics around sports medicine, sport science, physical activity and research. Seven lectures and events will be organised in 2016.