Verschiedene Aspekte der Präventionin einzelnen Sportarten. In Primärprävention von Sportverletzungen. (Book Chapter)
After much work by all the authors involved, the 6th GOTS expert meeting, this time on the topic of "Prevention", resulted in the very good, comprehensive book "Primary prevention of sports injuries". The main topics in it are:
Epidemiology of sports injuries
Economic costs of sports injuries and prevention
How does prevention research work_Methodology
New technologies in prevention
Implementation of prevention measures
Evidence for prevention measures of of ankle injuries
Special aspects in childhood and adolescence
Different aspects of individual sports
Future fields of research
GOTS recommendations for prevention
2020 Oct. Seil R and Tischer T, eds. Jena: Vopelius-Verlag, 2020. p.119-132. ISBN 978-3-947303-22-9.