Return to sports, the use of test batteries. In Return to play in football: An evidence-based approach. (Book Chapter)

March 17, 2018 By:
  • Gokeler A
  • Zaffagnini S
  • Mouton C
  • Seil R.

Athletes, and in particular young athletes, have high demands in terms of return to sports (RTS) after an ACL reconstruction (ACLR). Despite the development of RTS guidelines over the recent years, there are still more questions than answers on the most optimal RTS criteria after ACLR. Clinicians and researchers have become increasingly aware of the high incidence of second ACL injury that exceeds 23% in only the first year following RTS. This poses the question as to how clinicians determine when an athlete is ready for RTS in light of the associated risk(s) involved.

2018 Mar. Musahl V, Karlsson J, Krutsch W, Mandelbaum BR, Espregueira-Mendes J and d'Hooghe P, eds. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer, 2018. p.487-505. ISBN 978-3-662-55712-9; 978-3-662-55713-6.
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