[Care of patients with Parkinson's disease in Germany: status quo and perspectives as reflected in the digital transition].

June 01, 2021 By:
  • Eggers C
  • Wellach I
  • Groppa S
  • Strothjohann M
  • Klucken J.

As a chronic neurodegenerative disease, Parkinson's disease requires a close cooperation between different specialist disciplines in order to ensure the best possible quality of life for patients. A problem that has been identified is the inadequate communication between the protagonists (e.g. caregivers, physicians and therapists), especially at the sectoral interfaces. Due to structural hurdles, the current process and supply chains for Parkinson's disease do not reflect successful cross-sectoral care. Against the background of the new Digital Care Act in Germany that refunds patient-centered digital healthcare applications (DiGA), innovative, digital care and communication structures can now be established and thus comprehensively revolutionize the care of chronic diseases, such as Parkinson's disease. In this review examples and case application scenarios are presented and critically discussed.

2021 Jun. Nervenarzt.92(6):602-610. Epub 2020 Nov 16.
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