LIH scientist in the royal spotlight

The Grand Duke of Luxembourg bestows prestigious award on Dr Torsten Bohn

      22 June 2021

      2 min read

      LIH scientist in the royal spotlight       

      The Grand Duke of Luxembourg bestows prestigious award to Dr Torsten Bohn

      On June 21st, Dr Bohn received the highly esteemed title of ‘Chevalier de l’Ordre de Mérite du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg’ from the Grand Duke of Luxembourg for his contributions to the culture of Luxembourg.      

      Dr Torsten Bohn, Group leader of the Nutrition and Health Research team of the Department of Population Health at the Luxembourg Institute of Health (LIH), received the appointment of ‘Chevalier de l’Ordre de Mérite du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg’ from his highness the Grand Duke of Luxembourg. This highly prestigious title was awarded in recognition of his services and cultural contributions to Luxemburg and was presented during a ceremony that took place on the 21st of June 2021 at the Neumünster Abbey. The initial nomination came from Pierre Seck, President of the Sciences Section of the Institute Grand-Ducal, where Dr Bohn acts as a librarian and with whom Dr Bohn has collaborated in a series of general outreach projects in 2017.

      Dr Bohn is one of the leading experts in nutrition in Luxembourg and has recently received an accolade for making the list of most cited global scientists in the field of Agricultural Sciences (2020 edition of Clarivate’s “Highly Cited Researchers”). His research at LIH focuses on the impact of nutrition on health, with a special focus on nutrient and secondary plant bioactive bioavailability, dietary patterns, inflammation and oxidative stress. Dr Bohn is also well-known for his outreach ventures: a collaboration with the Institute Grand-Ducal, where he took part in a series of lectures to educate the general public on nutrition, as well as for his quizzes on nutrition with the Luxembourg National Research Fund (FNR): “Does diet contribute to a longer life?”

      “I am deeply humbled to have received such a prestigious and unique award, and from the Grand Duke himself! As scientists we always hope that our discoveries will travel beyond the labs, to make a difference in the lives of the public, the patients. Receiving this recognition, this award for our contribution to the culture of Luxembourg, is an acknowledgment that we are travelling in the right direction and making an impact that is heard far and wide.”
      commented Dr Bohn.