COVID 19 research boosted by private funding

      16 November 2021

      2 min read

      COVID 19 research boosted by private funding      

      On November 9th, the Luxembourg Institute of Health and the University of Luxembourg / LCSB, under the aegis of Research Luxembourg, welcomed the André Losch Fondation and representatives from the Luxembourg National Research Fund (FNR) to a special event dedicated to thanking both organisations for their financial support in COVID research.

      At the Amphitheatre of the Centre Hospitalier de Luxembourg (CHL), the team leaders of the COVID research projects CONVINCE and PREDICOVID presented their latest findings and provided an opportunity for both organisations to learn more about these studies in a Q&A session. The researcher also presented a preview of the COVALUX initiative, a study focusing on long COVID and vaccination.

      “Science based information is key in the fight against a pandemic, and the financial support by the Losch Foundation and the FNR are crucial in accelerating our research”

       explained Dominique Hansen, Head of Public & Institutional Relations at LIH.

      “This is a great example of how private funding can help public institutions in having an even greater impact on society.”


      About the luxembourg institute of health

      The Luxembourg Institute of Health (LIH) is a public biomedical research organization focused on precision health and invested in becoming a leading reference in Europe for the translation of scientific excellence into meaningful benefits for patients.

      LIH places the patient at the heart of all its activities, driven by a collective obligation towards society to use knowledge and technology arising from research on patient derived data to have a direct impact on people’s health. Its dedicated teams of multidisciplinary researchers strive for excellence, generating relevant knowledge linked to immune related diseases and cancer.

      The institute embraces collaborations, disruptive technology and process innovation as unique opportunities to improve the application of diagnostics and therapeutics with the long-term goal of preventing disease.